Street Punks//When you're sick

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💙  Swift  💙

  We all know how Swift is. He's perverted, he's quick, and he is persistent. So what would he do when you're bed ridden? He offers his 'cure'... Sex. You end up denying, but, surprisingly, he admits he was joking and he takes care of you, and he is very sweet about it. He is quite gentle with you and will give you space when it's needed. He truly does love and care for you.

  "Babe, you feeling better?" That was Swift again, checking in on you for the fifth time. "Yes Swift, I am fine." You say before you're interrupted by a coughing fit. This alarming Swift, he quickly got to your side and gently pat your back.

  Once you stopped and had a sip of your cool water, he sat with you. You automatically leaned on him, "Swift... I want cuddles." "Then cuddles you'll get, toots~" With that, he wraps his arms around you and places a kiss on your nose as you snuggled onto his chest.

❤  Rebel 

  We all also know that Rebel is a literal mom. He forces you to take your medicine and to eat so you can get stronger. But, we all know he does it because he cares about you, and that he's gonna do everything in his power to make sure you're safe and healthy.

  "Rebel nooo!! Please don't make me take the mediciiiine!" Tou whine as he held you, holding the small cup to your lips. "C'mon babe, you gotta take your medicine so you're not sick anymore."

  "Nooo!!-" you felt liquid spill into your mouth, that disgusting medicine, you hiss lightly but drink it. "There you go, my princess. Now you won't have to worry about it until it's bedtime." "Rebeeel..."

💜  Ghost  💜

  Ghost always worked quietly, so when you got sick, he didn't have an issue making sure he was quiet. He was the perfect nurse, he was quiet, did things quickly and correctly. He always made sure you were satisfied, so he was definitely the best nurse.

  You were snuggled up in Ghost's bed, napping away to help your aching head. You felt a light shake on your shoulder and you already knew what was coming. You opened your eyes and pouted at Ghost. "Ghostie... I don't wanna take the medicine." You whine. "Too bad." He whispered as he got on his knees beside you.

  You try to turn away, but he already has you in a gentle hold, medicine brought up to your lips. You sigh and then sip the medicine, not happy with the taste, but was content with the medicine running down your sore throat. "Y-you got honey..?" You mumble, your voice rather raspy. He nods and tucks you back in. "Ghostie... Will you stay with me while I sleep?" You asked, making the pleading eyes. He stared for a moment then nodded, sitting beside the bed and holding your hand while he brought out his laptop to find new parts for the gun he was fixing up.

🧡  M.C.  🧡

  He panicked when he found out you were sick. He ended up asking for Rebel's help, which just turned to Rebel taking care of you, since M.C. is chaotic and rather clumsy, he would most likely cause a racket and not give you medicine on time, or even break something in the process. But, there was one thing he did while you were ill, he cuddled you throughout the process, but that ended up getting himself sick in the end.

  You had your head rested on M.C.'s chest, your eyes felt heavy, but you didn't want to sleep. M.C. was brushing his fingers through your hair, humming lightly. "Baby girl, you can sleep if you want, I won't be going anywhere. I promise." He smiled gently at you. "But-"

  "No, no, I don't want to hear your excuse. Just sleep." You knew you couldn't argue anymore so, you just closed your eyes and snuggled in and fell asleep.

Published: April 8th, 2021.

Words in total: 679, words after this don't count!

Next scenario shall be up soon enough! 💙❤💜🧡

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