Taming the Beast//L.H. x Reader 🖤

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《I personally believe that Leatherhead deserves more love, so here is a small one shot of him. ^^》

  You had known the turtles for a long while not as long as April did, but, a good amount of time to know wherever they went, trouble would certainly follow.

  You were making your way to the lair with some donuts for the boys, wanting them to try something new, but you came to see a Michelangelo sitting infront of a chained up mutated alligator. "Uhm... Mikey? What... Who's this???" You asked confused. The alligator snaps his head at you and growls. "(Y/N)!! I'm glad you're here! Meet my new friend, Leatherhead!!" Mikey ran up to you and hugs you, "Leatherhead..? Why is he chained up?"

  Mikey smiles sheepishly, "Weeeell, when he first woke up he attacked us instead of giving us a handshake, even after we saved him from the Kraang! He also grabbed Donnie by the face." He laughs lightly. You felt rather nervous hearing that, as you looked back at Leatherhead. Little did you know, the beast you would fear now would be something more precious to you in the future.

  Months later...

  You sat at the table of your home, worried, Leatherhead had done a noble thing of saving the turtles by returning to Dimension X, but... You and Leatherhead had grown rather close. You had even grown feelings for the tempered alligator. Your eyes close as you think back to your memories you shared.

  You giggled lightly as Mikey was teaching Leatherhead how to cook, you stood back and watched as you'd rather not get in the middle of that messy situation. They both seemed to be having a really good time. It wasn't until the three boys returned it would all go down to hell in a matter of seconds.

  One second everything was fine and dandy and the next all the boys were all on the ground and Leatherhead had disappeared into the sewers. You couldn't help but just sit in shock, you quickly check on the boys, especially on Donnie who got the worst of it. He got grabbed by the face, again. You felt bad, so you decided to confront this alligator for hurting your friends. You head off into the sewers, anger mostly controlling your actions at this point as you track down Leatherhead. It didn't take long for the boys to catch up and join you.

  After a long search, you found him in an old subway car, as you were about to step up, Mikey cut in before you, giving you pleading eyes. You stared into his eyes and sighed, nodding and allowing him to enter first and to talk to Leatherhead.

  It was awhile before Mikey came out, but he finally did, and you entered, seeing Leatherhead laying in the middle of the car. You quietly approached him, and sat infront of him as he eyed you,"Hey... You doing okay?" You would ask, your anger was numbed down by that point and you felt a little more sympathy for him. He stared up at you and sighed, and a conversation started... Something that had brought you two together into a beautiful friendship.

  You open your eyes and sigh heavily, you missed Leatherhead dearly, and you knew Mikey did too. You felt slight tears perking up, you stood up, heading to bed, as you no longer wanted to think of this. It brought you pain, pain in the heart.

《To be continued...》

Published: April 9th, 2021.

Words in total: 583, words after this do not count!

This will most likely be a 3 part one shot so I hope you look forward to that! Also sorry if this chapter was bad. I was running off of memory for this one. I may edit this in the near future if I am not fully satisfied with it.

Big Lovable Turtles 《TMNT × Reader》[Discontinued.]Where stories live. Discover now