Mikey Headcanons 🧡 《rotTMNT》

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• Always will cuddle you, give you kisses, overall love you entirely with his whole being.

  - You'll just be sketching and he'll pop up behind you and attack you with kisses.

• Will definitely do corny romance movie references, just like Leon, or even take things from the internet to try on you.

  - It was when you were walking into the lair he came down on his chain upside down, like Spider man, he would kiss you, making you laugh lightly at his goofiness.

• "You're my inspiration for art!" He would say as he would hold up a beautiful painting of you.

• Can and will be both big and little spoon, it merely depends on both of your moods that day.

  - Either of  you could have a bad day, you'll just spoon each other and make the best out of the day, talking everything out.

• Never will you ever have a fight, any fight, you'll have will be... Food fights, pillow fights and even fights about who's cuter.

• Both of you are very artistic.

  - You'll find yourself painting on each other or even on Raph, the giant walking canvas.

• The cutest and youngest couple, this leads to a whole lotta teasing from the older brothers.

  - "Get out and stop taking pictures you guys!!" Mikey would exclaim as he rushed to shut the door tightly, making you laugh at the boy's tactics of spying on the two of you."

Published: April 6th, 2021.

Words in total: 236, words after this do not count!

《I'll include one more person, and it is the queen! April! Rise April is queen! 💚》

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