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I froze, remaining so for a while. Then, I shoved Miguel away without much thought, stepping back myself.

He stumbled, falling onto the floor. "Ow! Why you push me?"

"What do you mean 'why'? You just kissed me!"

He cocked his head. "But...we were corrnecting."

Ugh, you share one moment with a guy and they try to pull some out-of-pocket shit!

I groaned. "Look, just forget it. I'm going to chalk this up to you being drunk and we pretend this never happened, understand?"

He nodded meekly.

"Good." I offered him a hand, then helped him up. "Now let's go get the others. Matter of fact; your drunk ass can stay here, I'll get them!"

. . .

As delicious as the icing had been alone, it tasted even better when frosted on the cakes - the icing's vanilla complemented the cakes' rich chocolate. I scarfed down several cakes, then gathered as many leftovers as I could get.

Although many of my fellow club members were still chilling at Miguel's, I rushed back to my dorms after. When I got there, I headed straight for Nabila's room.

After she let me in, she said, "Hi. Where'd you just come from?"

"Had a club meeting today."

"Ahh. How'd it go?"

"Alright." Sighing, I dropped onto her bed. "Well, until Miguel kissed me. Then it got a bit weird."

"Woah," Eyes widening, she sat beside me. "He did what?"

"Kissed me. Apparently, he thought we were 'connecting'."

"What? Doesn't he know about you and Angelo?"

"How would-" I paused. "Oh yeah, he saw us together at the party. We didn't say we were a thing though."


"It doesn't matter anyway: I already told him that we'll never speak of this again, so I doubt he's expecting another go."

"Good! I can't even imagine how Angelo would feel when he hears about this."

I bristled, scoffing. "The same guy who's messing around with Kyra? Fuck what he thinks!"


"The girl I told you he slept with, remember?"

"Ohh. I thought that was just a one-night stand?"

"Well I guess sometimes one-night stands turn to two-night stands and before you know it you're gushing all about her like a fucking lovestruck puppy!"

Silence seized the room.

A moment later, Nabila asked, "Um...did something happen between you two? I mean, you told me you both had sorted through the issue-"

"Well, that was before he decided to bring it up again."

"Ok. If you want to talk about it..."

I sighed, then vaguely narrated the incident, skipping over the body comparison part of it.

"...and I found it really disrespectful that he was gushing about her while with me, so I told him to leave."

Nabila breathed, "Wow, so he was looking at her Instagram instead of focusing on you? That's horrible!"

"Well...he didn't look up her Instagram; he said the pic popped up on his feed."

"Hmm. Did he say that he's been in contact with her?"

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