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To my credit, I waited for a few hours before I went back to Nabila's room.

Lightly knocking on her door, I said, "Hey, sorry to disturb you both, but I need-"

Nabila sighed loudly. "He's gone, Aimee."

I burst into the room, grinning. "Bila!"

She jerked, shrieking, "What? Calm down."

"Sorry, sorry!" I took a deep breath. "Ok, I'm calm. So...did you both have fun?"

"Fun? Wh- what do you mean?"

I wiggled my eyebrows. "Oh, you know what I mean."

"Aimee, we only watched a movie!"

"So? That's fun!" I hopped on the bed, next to her. "Sounds like a chill little date-"

"Oh my god, it wasn't a date!"

"Ahh." Still grinning, I winked at her. "Nice little 'hangout' then?"

Nabila groaned, covering her face with her pillow. Muffled, she said, "It wasn't even planned. He came to see Amelia, then dropped by."

"Or he came to see you but dropped by to see Amelia on the way."

Nabila tossed the pillow at me, whining. "Stop, you're so annoying!"

. . .

The next morning, I was awoken by my insides stabbing at each other. Luckily, I had been prepared for the cramps since the beginning of the week; I made myself chamomile tea and noodles then settled in bed and put on a show. Since I didn't have a class that day, I was free to live out my discomfort in my room's comfort.

Around 10 am, I received a text from Angelo:

'Hey. How are you?'

I replied: 'Not great tbh.'

'Oh, what's the matter?'

'On my period :('

'Ahh. Do you need anything?'

'Nah, I'm good. How's class going?'

'I'll let you know the next time I'm in one.'

I sighed. 'You aren't skipping again, are you?'

'Whatever gave you that impression?'

'Right, so you are. How many classes have you attended so far?'

After a bit, he replied: 'Not a lot.'

'Isn't there a minimum attendance policy or smth?'

'There is, but I don't follow it. My family is a major donor of the school though, so I'm sure I'll be fine ;)'

I rolled my eyes. Of course, just like back at Bloomsbury.

I replied: 'Well, lucky you! You should still go to class tho. What's the point of paying for them if you don't attend?'

'So I can get the degree.'

'Why don't you just buy it outright? I'm sure you can do that.'

After a moment, he replied: 'Where's the fun in that :p'

I groaned. 'So wasting money is 'fun'?'

'Depends. Why do you care? It's not coming out of your pocket.'

'I don't have to pay for it to know that it's wasteful.'

He sent an eye-roll emoji along with 'Fine! I'll go to class more frequently.'

The Bad Boy's Heart: When The Dust Settles... Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ