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"I still can't believe I'm doing this."

I paused, rolling my eyes. "Nabila, I'm taking you to a party, not to rob a bank!"

"Still! I can't even imagine what my parents will say."

"They live two hours away."

"My mum is coming to see me tomorrow!"

I shrugged. "So? She wouldn't know if you don't tell her. Now shut up and let me go on, or I'm sticking this brush in your mouth."

She groaned but complied. I went back to beating her face.

A few minutes, I finished. Wheeling the chair around, I faced her at the mirror. "You can open your eyes now. Ta-da!"

Opening her eyes, Nabila gently touched her gleaming face. "Wow, I- I look great!"

"Of course, I did your makeup after all. Now, time for the main event." I gestured at the dress I'd placed on her bed.

Nabila walked to it, picking it up. Her eyes widened. "Oh my god!"

I grinned sheepishly. "I hope that means you like it."

"Aimee, there's no way I'm wearing this!"

"Oh, come on, you said I could pick your outfit."

"No, you said you would pick my outfit."

"Ok, maybe, but that's only because you don't have anything appropriate for the occasion."

"Why can't I just wear a t-shirt and pair of jeans?"

"Oh yeah, and while you're at it, maybe mess up your hair and take off your makeup as well. Really show your lack of effort." I scoffed. "No, Bila, you're going there to 'wow', okay?"

Nabila groaned, looking at the dress again. A few seconds later, her shoulders sagged. "Fine, I'll wear it."

Grinning, I clapped. "That's the spirit!"

. . .

"Aimee, I feel naked. I'm taking this-"

"Don't you even dare say that! You look great!"

She tugged at the little black dress which accentuated her curvy figure. "Are you sure it's not too small? I feel like it's going to rip."

"Well we're the same height, and it fits me, so you're fine." After a pause, I added, "Though you are thicker than me, so I can see why you may feel-"


"What? It's true!"

"Anyways, why do you get to wear just a top and jeans, but I don't?"

I shrugged. "Well, I'm not looking for a man."

"Neither am-" Nabila's eyes widened. She began unhooking the dress. "Oh, I'm definitely not wearing this!"

I burst out laughing, grabbing her hand. "Chill, it's okay! You don't have to even so much as dance with a guy there."


"Of course. You're free to hang out with me-"

A knock on Nabila's door interrupted me.

I called, "Who is it?"

Precious replied, "Me."

"One sec." I walked to the door, opening it.

She walked in, followed by Ava. Ava was Precious's roommate. She had pale skin, blonde hair, and dark gray eyes. She and Precious's outfits that night matched up more with Nabila's than mine.

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