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The next morning, I spent forty minutes getting ready for class.

When I was done, I looked at myself in the mirror. I had on a pair of jeans and a crop top, as well as light makeup. I'd also gelled my hair, so my curls were really defined.

A knock on my bathroom door broke my focus. "Come in," I called.

Nabila walked in. She had on a large jacket and a pair of jeans, and her face was bare.

She exclaimed, "Thank god, you're finally done!"

"Don't say it like that," I looked back at the mirror, admiring myself. "You know I can't show up on the first day looking like scraps."

"As usual. Anyway, I'm so nervous! I wonder what classes are going to be like. What do you have first?"

I looked back at her. "An intro to psychology class. How about you?"

"Intro to game-"

Her phone's alarm rang.

She gasped. "Oh my god, we have to go now, or we'll be late!"

I chuckled. "Nabila, chill! We haven't even had breakfast yet."

"You mean you haven't!"

"Oh." I paused. "Fuck, I guess I'll just take something along with me from the lounge's vending machine."

She scoffed. "A candy bar, how nutritious."

"I mean, it's either that or I stay behind to have-"

"Candy bar sounds good, I'll get one for you! Just finish up."

. . .

Our dorm was off-campus, so we had to take the shuttle to class to make it in time. It was about a five-minute drive. We spent about an extra five minutes locating the building where our classes were (we had it in the same building that day).

We arrived at my class first. Nabila said, "Well, here's your stop. Unless you want to help me locate my class..."

Smiling, I rolled my eyes. "I'll see you after class."

She groaned, walking away. "Good lu- I mean, see you!"

Still smiling, I shook my head and turned to the door. Well, this is it.

Tugging at my shirt, I walked into class.

My college was a medium-sized one, so some of the classes were not that large in terms of student numbers. In that class, there were only about thirty seats inside. I wasn't the last person to arrive that day, but unfortunately, the majority of the front seats had been taken by the time I did, so I had to sit closer to the back.

The professor started talking about ten minutes after, when the majority of the seats were filled. After having us introduce ourselves, she started going on about the syllabus.

Not too long after, I sighed softly. This is why I hate first days.

The girl beside me chuckled. "Welcome to every class you're going to have this week."

I looked at her. She had dark brown eyes, a tawny brown complexion, and afro hair done up in a bun.

I replied, "Oh well, I might as well drop out now then. College was fun while it lasted."

She sniggered. "I'm Precious, by the way."

I chuckled. "I bet you are."

"No, like that's my name."

"Oh, my bad." I giggled. Oh my gosh, kill me now!

"So, what's your name?"

"Huh? Oh, uh, it's Aimee."

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