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Honestly, dancing with Nabila was so much fun that I forgot about Angelo for a while.

Eventually, I noticed him. He was still standing at the spot that I had left him, nodding his head along to the music.

Facing him, I grinned, then began mimicking his movements.

He arched an eyebrow, then smiled.

I began doing the two-step. He did the same. As I sped up my movements, he followed along, falling in line with the beat. I stepped closer to him until his intoxicating scent was the most prominent smell in the room.

Looking up at his eyes through my lashes, I smiled, then turned and backed up until I was pressed against his crotch. He placed his hands on my hips.

I craned my neck backward until my mouth was near his ears. "Just follow my lead."

I began to grind against him. He moved with me, and soon I felt him hardening. My skin began tingling: whether from being near him or the effects of the alcohol, I wasn't sure.

Honestly, I'm not sure how many songs we danced to - I was too focused on him to notice much else. At some point, his hands moved to my stomach and we started making out.

Eventually, my legs got tired, so I broke apart and led him to a seat. He sat down, then pulled me into his warm embrace, resting his head on my shoulder. Some people were giving us side glances, but I didn't care.

When I'd fully settled, I asked, "Where's Nabila?"

Angelo replied, "Having fun." He pointed in her direction. She was grinding against some guy, not too far from where I'd left.

My mouth dropped open. Oh my god, yes!

Precious tapped my shoulder, drawing my attention to her. She leaned down to me, smirking. "Well, I can see you are...bonding."

My cheeks warmed as I rolled my eyes, smiling. "Yeah, yeah."

"Come on, I wanna introduce you to some people."

"Oh thanks, but we're-"

"Sounds good," Angelo interrupted.

I frowned. But I don't wanna get up!

Precious replied, "Great!"

Reluctantly, I stood up. "Hold on, I wanna let Nabila know."

"Wait, there's no need to spoil her fun!"

Gee, would have been great if you'd given me that same consideration!

I replied, "True."

Angelo and I followed her outside to the lawn. She led us to where a group of about three guys and two girls were. The guys were playing pool, while the girls were lounging on the bench, watching them. Empty alcohol cans were littered around them.

The two girls happened to be Emma and Amelia, who I'd run into on my first day in the dorms. Amelia was my dormmate, so I saw her fairly regularly. From what I had gathered, Emma was her girlfriend.

I smiled at them. "Hi."

Emma returned the smile. "Hi."

Amelia grunted a reply.


Precious gestured at the guys. "Aimee, Angelo, these are Miguel, Jack, and Dustin. Guys, meet Angelo and Aimee."

While Dustin and Jack were over 6 feet and around the same height as Angelo, Miguel was closer to my height, so around 5'9. He was also slimmer than the other two, who were muscular.

The Bad Boy's Heart: When The Dust Settles... Where stories live. Discover now