Chapter 1: Momma's Boy Found His Mate

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“AHHHHH!” I yelled as I fell off my bed and hit my head on my cold wooden floor.


“Sorry Honey!” I heard my mom say, but she didn't sound too sorry to me


“What was that for mom?” I asked rubbing my head as I stood up


“You're gonna be late for school!” she yelled and my eyes widened considerably. I've never been late before. Holy Macaroni!




“Listen here, I changed your diaper, potty trained you and a whole bunch of other things and you asking me to leave?!” My mom scolded and I groaned


“Mom” I whined


“Fine” my mom huffed and made her way out of my room. Finally!


I ran to the bathroom and stripped myself from my blue fluffy pajamas. I quickly stepped in the shower and lathered myself in my sweet pea scented soap. I don't really know how actual sweet peas smell like but I’m pretty sure this was not it. Peas smell disgusting! I mean how did they come up with this name, the soap smelled more like flowers if anything.


I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in my purple towel. After drying myself I pulled on a thin black shirt and blue jeans. I combed my light brown/honey brown hair, trying to get rid of the knots or until it look somewhat presentable.


I grabbed my book bag and rushed downstairs, meeting my mom, dad and Parker at the table.


“Sit honey, have some breakfast” My mom ordered


“I cant I have to go” I said reaching forward to grab a granola bar but she slapped my hand away.


“Well, Parker can drive you today so you don't have to walk” My mom suggested and I looked at Parker with a raised eyebrow.


“Why?” Parker whined and I rolled my eyes


“Because. She is your sister” mom snapped and I smirked at Parker


“Yeah Park, please?” I asked and showed him my puppy dog face which he could never resist


“Alright” he gritted out and I clapped my hands


“YAY! Now, how bout’ some bacon?” I asked my mom and she rolled her eyes at me


“Eat the oatmeal first” she said and placed a bowl of lumpy oatmeal in front of me.


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