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"I bet the sun's on the rise." I woke up hearing Bofur's voice. "It must nearly dawn."

"We're never going to reach the mountain, are we?" Ori wept a little.

I sat up and realized I had fallen asleep on Thorin. I blushed and looked away. "Sorry, Thorin." I said. Thorin just laughed.

"No need to apologize; you were exhausted." Thorin said. I stretched my arms. "How long have we've been here?"

"Too long." he said. I hung my head in agreement. "Bilbo..." I said. "Hurry up."

"Someone call my name?" I heard his voice. I jerked my head to the door. "Bilbo!!!" I cried. I threw myself against the gate. Bilbo unlocked the door with the key and opened it.

I fell into his arms and held him tight. "I thought we'd lost you." I felt his face bury itself in my hair. Then, he let go. "Come on, I have a plan to get us out of here. Let's go." He unlocked the rest of the dwarves' cells and we all followed Bilbo.

He led us to the cellar. "Um...Bilbo. What are we doing here?" I whispered, carefully not to wake the two elves. Obviously drunk. "Just trust me. I know what I'm doing." I wasn't so sure.

Bilbo led us around the corner, where about 20 barrels were stacked. "Alright, into the barrels."

"Are you crazy? They'll find us." Dwalin said. Bilbo denied it. "No, I promise they won't. Please! You must trust me." The dwarves began to bicker. Bilbo looked at me and Thorin for support.

"Do what he says." Thorin commands, and I sighed. As the dwarves scurried into their place in each of the barrels, I tapped on Bilbo's shoulder.

"Bilbo, this seems risky. I don't think we should-" I started, but then stopped when Bilbo took hold of my hands in his. "Trust me." he said. I looked into his eyes and saw something I've never seen before. Adventure.

"Ok, Bilbo." I said, and he helped me into my own barrel. I watched him as he touched a lever-like stick. "What do we do now?" Bofur asked, poking his head out.

"Hold your breath." Bilbo answered. Hold our breath? Oh no. Before I knew it, the barrel I was in began to roll down and I felt myself falling and hitting water.

When I emerged, I spit up water. "Bilbo!" I called, and I looked back to find Bilbo falling from the secret door. "Damn you, Bilbo! You know I can't swim!" I yelled at him, clinging to the barrel. "Well just hang on then!" he yelled back.

"Well done, Master Baggins." Thorin said, as he led the dwarves down the river and out of the cave. We fell down a waterfall and floated towards a gate.

"Oh no," I said, as the gate was closed and trapped us. The elves guarding took position, but were shot down by the creatures we did not want to see. Orcs.

I grabbed the dead elf's bow and quiver and dual swords. I tossed the dual swords to the dwarves, and notched an arrow and shot down two orcs through the necks. I noticed at the corner of my eye Kili going for the lever to open the gate.

"Kili, be careful!" I shouted, as I cleared the way for him. He was almost there when a sudden arrow sprouted from his thigh. "KILI!!!!" I cried. He fell down, groaning.

"No! Kili!" Fili called. Kili struggled, but he managed to pull the lever. We all began moving down the river. Luckily, Kili made it back into his barrel.

"Hang on!" all the dwarves cried. For someone who couldn't swim, I had to do my part to kill these orcs. And I did.

Down the river, the orcs chased us. I spotted the elf prince, Legolas, shooting down orcs as well. Thank you, I thought.

Soon, we were cleared of orcs and the current began to slow down. "Get to the shore!" Thorin shouted. Staying in my barrel, I tried paddling, but wasn't getting anywhere. Suddenly, my barrel jerked forward. I turned and found Bofur pushing. "Thanks." I said, and he replied, "No problem."

Once on shore, I ran to Kili's aid. I dug the arrow point out of the wound, and tore off some of my shirt to bandage it. "I'm fine." Kili told me. But I shook my head. "I know more about this than you." That shut him up.

I knew about the poison from the shaft. It had enter his veins already. I did not have any of the herbs or medicine to treat it. I got close to Kili's face and felt his forehead. Damn, I thought. The fever has already begun.

"What is it?" Kili asked. He must've seen my expression. I smiled it off. "It's nothing. We just need to find some medicine." I kissed his hot forehead and stood up to walk to the river to wring out my clothes.

As I was wringing my shirt out, my ears caught a hint of movement. I notched the last arrow and pointed to the direction the sound came from only to find an arrow pointing at me.

"Who are you?" the man asked. I lowered my arrow to show I meant no harm. "I'm Thalia." Balin appeared next to me, and began to speak with the bowman.

When the bowman refused to help, I stepped forward. "Please, I'm begging you to help us." The bowman looked at me with a confused look.

"We'll pay you, double." Balin said, sealing the deal. The bowman gazed over the company, then sighed. "Come aboard. We must hurry."

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