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The Dwarf Army was lead by Dain, Thorin's cousin. But Thorin made no sign of wanting to help. He left the wall and hurried off, telling the rest of us to stay put.

"He can't be serious...right?" I choked back a sob. Too many things were happening at once. Thorin's gone mad. Bilbo stealing the Arkenstone and giving it to Bard. Thorin banishing Bilbo to Gandalf. It hurt so much that I could barely stand.

Kili had to support me and he held me in his lap. He rocked me back and forth, but he didn't say anything. There wasn't much to say.

"We have to do something." I whined, cuddling myself in Kili's chest. Fili's hand swallowed my small one. "No, Thalia," he said, kissing my hand. "You have to do something." I gazed at Kili, who nodded slowly.

Slowly, and with the help of the two brothers, I stood to my feet. Then, I trudged my way past the broken stone and rubble to reach Thorin. I found standing in the Hall of the Kings, where the attempt to destroy Smaug took place, and left behind the floor made of solid gold. Thorin stood in the middle and had his arms slightly out from his side. Taking a breath, I faced the mad king.

"Thorin," I called. Thorin turned almost immediately at the sound of my voice. "Thalia." he swayed a little as he walked up to me. "Why are you here?" I opened my mouth to answered, but Thorin jumped to conclusions. "Is it because of that wretched thief?" He gripped my shoulders, which made me winced. "Is he back? Is he trying to take you away? Is he here? Answer me!" He large hands tightened and I couldn't take it anymore.

I cried out in pain. Thorin's expression changed. His painful grip loosened and fell, and I took hold of my harmed biceps. I had the urge to fall to my knees, but I kept my stance. Thorin was shaking.

"Thalia, are you ok?" he stuttered. Then, he turned his back on me. "You should leave." I straightened my posture. "No, Thorin. I need to talk to you first." Thorin turned back and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"Thorin," I whimpered, biting my lip. "'re scaring me." I took a step forward, and Thorin did the opposite. "Stay away from me." he growled. But I didn't.

"I want the old Thorin back. I want the Thorin I met back at the Shire." I begged. Thorin waved his arm at me. "Go away!"

"No, I won't! I want my leader back. I want you to smile again!"

"Shut up!"

"I want you to pat me on the head! I want you to fight! I want you to care for everyone who loves you! Thorin, please!" I ran and wrapped my arms around his torso and held him tight. "Please, Thorin. Come back to us...."

"Come back to me."

There was nothing but silence. No movement except me holding him tighter and tighter, squeezing my eyes shut.

Suddenly, I heard his voice. The same voice that made me want to join this company in the first place. The voice that I fell in love with.

"Thalia," it said. I gazed up at Thorin, and he smiled as our eyes met. I cupped his face and stroked his cheek. "Is it really you, Thorin?" I cried. He grazed the back of his hand across my cheek to wipe away my tears. "Yes, Thalia. It's me." He patted my head, and then, held me tight against his chest, whispering thank you and apologizing over and over.

After he released me, He gripped my hand, and we walked back to where the company was waiting together. When we arrived, I backed out behind Thorin as he approached his fellow dwarves. Kili sprang to his feet.

"I will not lie down while others fight our battles FOR US!!!" he screamed at his uncle. A tear fell down his face. "It's not in my blood, Thorin."

Thorin reached his nephew, and cupped the back of his neck. "No, it is not." He smiled. "We are Durin's sons. And Durin's folk never fight from a fight." He pressed his forehead against Kili's for a few seconds and then patted his shoulder.

Then, he approached the rest of the company. "I have no right to ask all of you of this." He announced. "But will you follow me? One last time?"

And in answer, the company of Thorin Oakinshield gathered together under the ringing of a golden bell.

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