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10 years later...

I stood on the outside of the Shire. I breathed in the familiar air and felt the familiar breeze in my face. It was night and the clear was full of bright stars. "Home." I whispered, and I skipped all the way back to my house.

I passed all my old neighbors and I waved at them with a smile. Some of them waved out of kindness, others gave me weird stares. Then, I stopped and turned to a familiar hobbit hole.

"Bilbo," I said, and I walked to the front door. It was the same round green door from 10 years ago. As I got closer to the door, I heard cheering and yelling. Was Bilbo Baggins having a party?

I knocked and waited. The laughing and yelling kept going. I ringed the bell and waited some more. I was about to leave when the door swings opens all of the sudden.

It was Bilbo. He looked so different: his dirty brown hair was curlier and he had grown so much. The only thing that was the same was his bright eyes. Gray with a hint of green. I always admired those eyes.

"Oh thank god, you're not a dwarf." he said, leaning against the door with a relief look. He had a robe on over his half-on trousers. He looked as if he hadn't sleep in days. Dwarf?

"Um, dwarf?" I said confused. "Why would you think I'm a dwarf?" Not the way I wanted to started a long 10-year wait. Suddenly, there was a loud crash in the left room. Bilbo groaned. "Um, Bilbo, I think-" then I was caught off by a sudden figure running through the hall.

"Pass it!" he yelled and caught a flying plate.

"You have a dwarf in your house." I said, surprised. Bilbo nodded and closed his eyes. Then, as if on cue, at least 10 more followed through the same path.

"You have MANY dwarves in your house." I got even more shock, and I stretched my neck to see what was going on. Bilbo hung his head and nodded. "Yes, I know."

"Bilbo?" His head shot up like he was dazed for a couple seconds. "Um, can I come in?"

"What? Oh yes yes." I walked inside and immediately got ran over by a tall figure. But he caught me before I could fall. "Sorry, didn't see you there." Then, he looked at Bilbo. "Is this your girlfriend?"

"No, no!" Bilbo said, waving his hands around and closed the door. The dwarf gave me a wink. "Too bad." he said. "I'm Kili." I shook his hand.

"Wow, you have nice friends, Bilbo." I said, smiling.

"They're not my friends! I don't know them! They just showed up and invited themselves in." Bilbo said. Then, he caught something at the corner of his eye. "Hey! Put that back! That's not dishcloth, its a doily!"

"What has happened to him over the years?" I asked out loud.

"I don't know," Kili the dwarf said, making his way to the scene. "But it's hilarious!" I laughed and followed.

"Ooo, did you hear that, guys?" one of the other dwarves said. "He said we'd blunt the knives!"

Suddenly, a fun and jumpy song began. I laughed and danced along as the dwarves tossed and threw around plates, bowls, and cups. Bilbo ran around trying to stop the ruckus that was happening.

He had definitely changed.

As the song ended and the dwarves laughed, Gandalf the Grey came into the room and laughed along with them. "Gandalf!" I said. But before I could reach him, loud strong knocks came from the front door. Everyone got quiet as Gandalf answered it.

There stood a muscular dwarf with a purpose in his name. He had long wavy hair with a few braids in it and had a short black beard. His eyes had fire in them but also little kindness and reason.

"Bilbo, this is Thorin Oakinshield." Gandalf introduced.

Thorin Oakenshield, I thought, hiding behind the crowd. I wonder who he is and why he's here. I gazed over to Bilbo, who was talking to Thorin and Gandalf.

"And who is this?" Thorin said, turning towards my direction. "You don't to hide. Come and show your face." I gulped and stepped out into the open. "May I ask who you are?" Gandalf asked, looking confused.
All the dwarves were looking at me.

"Bilbo, do you know this girl?" Gandalf asked. I waited for his answer thinking, yes he'll say my name once again. But what came out of his mouth made me want to cry.

"Of course I don't know her. I've never seen her in my life!"

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