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We were trapped at the edge of the cliff.

"Up the trees!" Gandalf shouted, and he hoisted himself up on a low branch. The rest of the dwarves did the same thing. Kili helped me up, along with Bilbo, and then raised himself up and we all climbed to the top.

But the Wargs didn't stop there. They began tearing down the lower branches and pushed and shredded the bark on the trees. The trees began to fall. "Jump!" Thorin instructed. I leapt to the next tree, but that one fell, too.

We all leaped to each tree until all 16 of us were on the same tree, right on the edge of the cliff. "We have to do something or we'll all die!" I yelled, searching for some way of attack.

Suddenly, the ground burst into flames. I looked up and saw Gandalf firing up pinecones and throwing them at the Wargs and Orcs. He dropped lighted ones and we passed them around to light others. For a moment, it seemed like we had a chance.

Then, the tree began to fall over the edge. "No! No! No!" everyone shouted. The tree stopped half way and we hung on for our lives.

I clunged to the branches and wrapped my legs up on the trunk. Thorin laid on his stomach next to me. He had a scared and terrified look on his face. "Azog?" he whispered. I followed his gaze and saw the pale orc upon the white warg.

"Thorin..." I said, and I touched his arm. He flinched. Then, he stood up on the trunk and drew his sword. He began his way to Azog, but I took hold of his hand. "Wait, Thorin!" I cried. "He's got the advantage of his warg. You won't be able to win."

Thorin looked on me, his eyes full of fear. Then, he squeezed my hand. A tear fell from my eye. "Thorin...please." Then, his hand slipped through mine.

And he charged.

Azog swung his mace and smacked it into Thorin's chest. "THORIN!!!" I screamed, as I watched in horror as the white warg crunched its sharp teeth on Thorin's chest. Luckily, he had his oaken shield over his heart.

But, I saw fear. Thorin was thrown and he crashed onto the rocky ground. "Thorin, no." I cried. Just then, Bilbo sprinted pass me. I was too shocked to say anything and watched as he attacked Azog's henchman and dug his sword into its gut. Bilbo, I thought. Then, I got to my feet.

"Come on, you guys." I shouted to the rest of the company. "Let's go!" I ran off the tree and drew my bow. I notched an arrow and sent it soaring through two orcs' bodies. The dwarves followed me and let out a battle cry.

Bilbo also joined in and guarded Thorin, who fell unconscious. I sprinted to his aid. But, before I could get there, I was lifted off the ground.

I looked up and saw a giant eagle carrying me in its large talons. Then, I watched as more eagles attack the warg pack and saved the dwarves.

One scooped up Thorin and flew away with him, along with Bilbo. Once we were out of the orcs' range. The eagles dropped us off on top of a large cliff.

Thorin was the first to be set down. He wasn't moving. I was set down next and I ran to him. "Thorin..." I whispered, as I stroked his forehead and cradled his head in my lap. "Thorin, please wake up. Don't die."

Gandalf knelt down and pressed his hand over Thorin's face. He murmured a chant. I sighed with relief when Thorin's eyes slowly opened. "Thorin..." I breathed. "Oh thank goodness."

"The halfing." Thorin breathed. He was referring to Bilbo.

"It's alright." Gandalf reassured. "Bilbo is here. He's quite safe." Thorin lifted himself from my lap and stared at Bilbo.

"You," Thorin pointed at Bilbo. "What do you think you were doing? You know you could've gotten yourself killed?" I hung my head to the ground as I listened to Thorin integrate Bilbo.

"Did I not you'd be a burden? That you have no place here. And you have no place amongst us." Thorin growled, walking towards Bilbo step by step.

"I've never been so wrong, in all my life." I heard Thorin said, and I raised my head just in time to see Thorin pull Bilbo into a hug. I smiled and covered my mouth with my hands. Oh Thorin, I thought.

He does care.

Thorin released Bilbo and took hold of his shoulders and looked at him, as if to check for any injuries. "I'm sorry I doubted you."

Then, he turned to me, and offered me his hand. Another tear fell from my eye as I accepted it. Thorin lifted me up and smiled. His smile brought me comfort inside.

"And I'm sorry I judged you on your kin. You are very brave." Thorin said, removing my curls from my face with the back of his hand.

"Well, half kin." I corrected. "I've always thought of myself a hobbit anyway. Screw elves." Thorin and everyone else laughed.

Then, I spotted something over Thorin's shoulder. "This that...what I think it is?" I said. Thorin turned and his eyes widen.

"The Lonely Mountain..." Thorin breathed. "Erebor. Our home."

"Don't worry." I said. Thorin turned back to me. I smiled. "We will reclaim Erebor."

Thorin grinned. Then, he patted my head like he did back at the Shire.

"Of course we will. No doubt about it."

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