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I stood in a room with Elrond, Gandalf, Bilbo, Balin, and Thorin. Night had fallen, and the room was lit by only a few candles.

Thorin seemed calm by his expression, but I knew deep inside he was a bomb waiting to explode. "So which one is the elf?" he asked.

"My father." I answering, knowing exactly who he was asking for. "I didn't find out until I was 16."

"Go on." Balin insisted.

"There's not much else to say." I said. "My mother died 6 months after telling me my father was a Mirkwood elf. I don't even know if he's alive. I could be an orphan for all I know."

"I decided after 2 years of living alone in the Shire that I would go live with my other kin." I continued. "Lord Elrond welcomed me with open arms. Everyone here taught me so much and became my new family."

It got quiet and uneasy.

"I can't believe this," Thorin said, shaking his head. "But now that I think about it. Your posture when you notched the arrow at the trolls resembled an elf's position." I stared at him.

"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, Master Dwarf." I said. "But we have a bigger problem."

As if on cue, Gandalf spoke up about the moon runes on the map. "Show him, Thorin. He's the only one who can read those runes at this time."

Thorin hesitated, but gave in and handed Elrond the map. I breathed in relief. Thorin moved his eyes towards me, giving me an uneasy feeling.

"I will leave the negotiation to you." I said, heading for the doors. "I am returning to my old quarters." As I closed the doors behind me, I whispered. "Good bye."

As I made my way down the familiar halls, I passed the great hall. I caught something at the corner of my eye.

"Kili," I said, still looking straight ahead, not moving. "What are you doing here? You should be getting rest."

"I wanted to speak to you." Kili said, standing up straight. He began walking towards me. I faced him, and what I saw in his eyes was betrayal. But why?

"Kili?" I said, a little worried. "What's wrong?" Kili stared straight into my eyes.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I thought I'd already answered that." I said, crossing my arms.


I flinched as he said my name.

"Kili, I don't understand."

"I'm sorry. I'm just..." Kili started. I lost eye contact with him.

"Kili..." I said.

"I'm sorry." he said again, and he passed me to leave the room. I turned to watch him leave. Then, I swear I heard a sob coming from his throat. Kili..., I thought.

A couple hours later, I went to where the dwarves were sleeping to talk to Kili, but at the same time, Thorin charges in.

"Everyone up!" he yells. "Get up! Now! We are leaving!" Our eyes meet.

"Let's go." he says, and leaves the room. All the dwarves groaned as they forced themselves to wake up and pack their things.

I followed the dwarves as they continued their journey, but this time with a few of my personal belongings, including my bow and arrows.

I followed Bilbo outside. "Hey." I said, walking next to him on the path. Bilbo looked at me with an expression I couldn't read. "Hey." was all he said.

I gazed over to the east and saw the sun rising. "Beautiful." I said, remembering all the same sunsets I saw in the 10 years.

We stood on the edges of a cliff.

It was dark, pouring freezing cold rain, and incredibly slick and thin.

The rain stung my eyes. I gripped to the back of Fili's cloak. Kili stood behind me, keeping me against the rocky wall. Bilbo was behind him.

Suddenly, a massive boulder appeared and crashed into the cliff, smashing into a chunks and rained down on us along with the precipitation. Then, I saw it. The biggest beast I've ever seen.

"The legends are true!" Bofur shouted. "Giants! Stone giants!" The monster hurled another boulder and bellowed a roar that echoed through the canyon.
It hit another giant that appeared behind the cliff.

Suddenly, the ledge we clung to began to split right under my feet. "Kili!" I screamed. Kili pushed me out of the way and into Fili's arms. "No! Kili!" I screamed. Fili pulled me along with Thorin and 4 others in front and ran to the safe ledge. I watched in horror as the others, including Bilbo and Kili, clutched at the rock as the stone giant swung it gigantic limbs.

Suddenly, they began falling towards the cliff. "NO!!!!" I screamed, as I watched them smashed into the side of the cliff. "BILBO!"

"Kili!" Thorin shouted as he rushed to his nephew.

Everyone was ok. Then, I noticed Bilbo hanging over the cliff side by his finger tips. "Bilbo!" I screamed and I plunged on my stomach to reach him, but he slipped another foot down. "Hang on, Bilbo!" I shouted. Then, Thorin jumped down and took hold of his bag and hoisted him up.

"I thought we'd lost our burglar." Bofur breathed, who had Bilbo's shoulders.

"He's been lost ever since he's left home." Thorin growled. Thorin, I thought. I struggled to my feet and helped Bilbo to his.

I took hold of his face with hands and swiped his wet bangs out of his eyes. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" I asked.

"I'm fine." He answered. His breathing wasn't slowing down anytime soon. "Let's just follow the group." I nodded, and I followed Bilbo and the others to a cave inside the cliff.

"We'll camp here tonight and start at first light." Thorin instructed.

I set my bag down and began unrolling my blanket.

"Thalia." I heard Bilbo's voice behind me. I turned to face him. "What is it, Bilbo?" He took my shoulders and made us both sit down on the ground.

"I want to talk to you." Bilbo said. I stared at him. "About what?"

Bilbo's eyes gazed into mine.

"About our past."

The Hobbit and Her MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now