Defiance of a King

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The wind touched Al's face and he woke up. He was strapped and tied.

"Gan!" He called struggling to be released. "Stop this, now!" he demanded.

"Forgive me, Sir, you must return home." He said walked with him over his shoulder so he wouldn't run.

"I don't want to! Home is hell! I can't stand it!" He kicked and flailed his legs trying to get him to put him down.

"Sir, please!"

"Put me down!"

"Sir, you cannot be gone for more than a year, so please!"

"Never! I don't want to see any of them!"

He walked up the stairs to the tree where Al fell from. He opened the door. Hearing it Al lift himself back wrapping his legs around Gan and flipping over throwing him in.

"Sir!" Gan said as Al landed I his feet.

"Hehe!" He closed the door with his foot and turned grabbing a thorn and locking the door.

He threw away the thorn and jumped down the stairs as the tree teleported Gan back to his world.

"I'm not going back without a fight!" He said and ran back under the Wonderland sign.

He ran along the way he had when he met Butterfly. He traced himself back along the way and found a sharp rock to cut the string tying his hand behind him.

"Much better." Al said rubbing his hurting wrists.


A bird flew into Dinah's study window and landed o her desk in front of her. It tweeted and she took the note it held in its mouth and flew away.

"Al has gone missing.. he has defied the reason to return home. Find him, he must come home now." She read and looked at the signature. "Sincerely, Spade.." she said and dropped the note running to her door.

She closed it and locked it. She banged on it and the door opened. Vaan greeted her,

"Where is Cheshire?" She asked.


Al walked along the path freely enjoying the relaxing air when he came upon Mou's house. She sat in the front drinking some tea when she noticed him.

"Ah, Al!" she waved. He jogged over and smiled.

"Mou," he smiled.

"What brings you here alone, Al?" She asked as he sat down in the seat beside the tea table across from her.

"Well, someone came to get me to go home." He said.

"To go home? Ah, back to your world?" She asked and he nodded.

She poured him a glass of tea and handed it to him.

"How was it?"

"I didn't go!" he giggled.

"No? Why not, dont you miss your family?"

Al shook his head childishly, "No! I'm the only one left anyways! I dot want to go back!" He sipped the tea calming down and heard from afar troops coming along.

He hurried to drink the tea and ran thanking her for the tea


"Why would our king defy this?" Dinah asked. Dell shrugged,

"Perhaps there is a different reason he would like to stay?" He said suggesting the possibility.

"But what is there to do?-" Dinah paused.

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