The Bottled Effects

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Daimah sat in her study looking through her books when Al walked in.

He wore the pajama shirt with his boxers while Cheshire was elsewhere wearing the pants to the pajamas.

"Daimah?" He said and she looked.

"Ah, Al, what is it?" She stopped what she was doing and gestured for him to come in.

He did and went to her sitting in a seat in front of her.

"I was.. wondering.." he said shyly.

"Do not be shy," she giggled.

".. W-well.." he smiled,

"Ah! Is it that you were wondering of the liquid used on you?" She asked.


"Do not worry, Al, my dear, it is not a bad thing. I have already given you the cure so you should be alright." She assured him.

"What was the pill for?" Al asked.


"Cheshire gave me a pill.." he started questioning things.

"No, no, it is not bad either. Clear your thoughts, it is for a protein I believe you needed."


"You see," she brought down a small box and opened it taking out the small bottles.

"So pretty.."

"They are, originated from my ancestors before me, but even demons die eventually." She said.

".. Oh,"

"Be not sad," she giggled. "My family lives long, even I do." She showed him the bottles.

She took each out and set it in front of him letting him get a better look.

She pointed to the one seeming with a woman on it, "As you can tell, I made one for Dinah and Cassie too."

"What do they do?"

"Would you like to test them out?" She smiled.

"Will I regret them?"



She opened the one with the woman on it, "This one is known as Leafy Green, the side effects are.. well, you'll find out." She tapped a small spoon in there and he tasted it,

"So sweet-ugh," he fell to the floor. "Uurrrrrgh-burrrrraaaaaaagh," his eyes frowned green and his hair dulled into a leafy color.

Lines seeming like vines covered his face and Vaan dropped out from him.

"Nngh, ggrrrrrrh," he growled rolling over into all fours as vines whipped out from his lower back like fox tails.

"Raaaaaaaah!!" He screamed and Vaan stood up quickly lost but then knowing what was happening.

Two vines grew longer and he started crawling all over the ground and walls knocking thing over and off shelves.

She watched seeing how it affected him and wrote things down on her notebook.

"Is this a test!?" Vaan yelled at her.

She laughed proudly and stood on her desk as Al practically messed up the entire room.

He jumped from wall to wall as they tried to catch him with a large net.

"Rrrrrah, rah," he jumped and when the door opened he crawled right out.

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