The Cheshire Cat

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The morning soon came and Al was sound asleep, outside his door without a sound came two thuds.

The door softly creaked open and someone peeked in. Long nails and cat ears, the darkness loomed in through the door and in slid someone with pure ease.

The wood boarding the balcony doors was cleaned right off, the large cat eyes watched Al breathing calmly as he slept comfortably.

The window was forced opened and the ceiling was stretched upward for more room.

A tail swayed behind the mysterious person that suddenly vanished when Al turned to his side and got even more comfortable.

"Mm," He mumbled, the person reappeared behind Al laying on the bed too,

"Wake up, Al." The low voice whispered, a long nail tickled his cheek as it ran over it softly,

"Nrrh, nh, no." He turned again but this time facing the person.

"No? But don't you want to go home? I can help you."

Al opened his eyes feeling the warmth at last, he looked up and the light showed a cheshire smile,

"Cheshire Cat ." Al whispered sitting up.

"Good morning, Young Master. It is great to finally meet you," he winked with a grin.

"Uh... y-yes," he watched as Cheshire floated up,

"I already took care of the guards, so don't worry of them, come," he grabbed his hands and lead him up off the bed and out the room,

"Look only at me," Cheshire smiled, Al looked only at Cheshire as he was told.

He walked up onto the rail leading down and didn't notice. "Cheshire," the Cat let go of his hands,

"Fall, Young Master. I will catch you." He bowed and vanished.

Al looked down unable to really see the bottom,

"Wh-what..." he felt a gentle push forward, he fell and saw Cheshire was the one who pushed him,

"Ah, Cheshire!" He flailed his arms unable to do anything but fall.

Each circular rail that he passed he saw Cheshire until he came near to the bottom.

Cheshire grabbed him and they vanished from thin air and appeared on the very first floor.

Al was carried on his back as Cheshire burst out the doors and ran out in the barren land.

He ran east away from how he got in but Al was too shocked to even notice.

"Are you alright?" Cheshire asked realizing how quiet he was.

"Is this really Wonderland?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

Hearing Cheshire's heart racing as he ran he felt a heaviness weigh him down.

"Of course, it only changed because of the many years that have passed." He answered truthfully.

"... I see," he closed his eyes feeling dizzy from the fall.

"I'm dizzy..." he whispered.

Cheshire came to a stunningly perfect stop and sat him on a large root that welcomed him.


"Are you going to vomit?" He stepped away a bit and watched him some more.

"No, it takes a lot more for me to vomit." His head spun with craze and he nearly fell off the root.

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