Hatter; The Mad Hatter

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"I want to see her!"

"Al is a boy, Hatter, I led the wrong Al here!"

"I want to see him!"

"Hatter, calm down! You will see him!"

"No you may not," Alice walked in saying.


"Al had already left."

"Nooooooo!!" Hatter bounced off the walls angrily and stopped.

"Hatter?" Alice said.

"That is it!"

"Oh, no.."

"I will visit him!"

"Hatter, you cannot do that." Alice followed him out the room.

"But, by golly I may! I, not once, have seen Al. Only heard stories. Just like he! I want to meet him!"

"Oh, no!"

"Hatter, that is not a good idea, he is already in his own world!" Alice tried to stop him.

"But if he is your grandson, Alice."

"You do not new to worry. He will come back." She held his hands. "He will come back."

"But I may not wait that long, Alice. I want to see him."

She smiled and nodded, "Alright, he will be back soon. Come, we must be there when he arrives." She said

She looked at the bunny dressed nicely and smiled.

"I-I shall wait here... if the is alright.." it quivered away.

She nodded.

The man jumped around and skipped like a happy child.

Enthused, he jumped out a window being perfectly fine.


Al opened his eyes. He sat up slowly and looked back. The door was still there. He tried to open it but it was locked.

"Oh.. I knew it.." He said sadly. "I cannot go back.." he said.

He stood up and dusted himself off. He was dressed in a normal attire looking as he always did.

Yet his hair had grown unevenly and was never cut.

He strolled through the forest soon stumbling over and out into the large garden he liked so much the time before.

He sighed and looked at the house he saw a maid passing and she stopped and stared at him.

"Al!!" She dropped what she held and ran down informally to him.

Taking him in her arms she squeezed him tightly to where he couldn't breath.

"I can't.. breath.." he told her and she let go.

"I'm sorry!"

"It's alright, just a little too tight."

"I'm so glad you are back! Everyone will be thrilled! Ah, but we must get you to bed! You're not hurt ate you?!"

He shook his head, "I'm alright. I feel great actually." He smiled and started for the mansion.

A small pink stripped cat followed him an the maid noticed.

"Sir?" She picked it up an petted it.

Al turned and looked, he saw the cat and the eyes, the ring on the ear and the cute swaying tail.

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