Dark Queen; Glama

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The sky was black and the clouds were grey. The moon was red and silver mist covered Nem who panted tiredly.

The lines resided from his body and he snapped his fingers jumping up landing on a bird and flying away from the battle field.

Al's body raised from the ground to his feet.

His clothes disintegrated forming a suit colored to his skin. The black lines shined and turned blue. His hair blasted when the pillar of light glistened around him.

Cheshire stood up with his claws growing. His eyes were wide with revenge.

A massive scythe crashed into the ground behind him and a book flipped through pages.

Din smiled and Dil did too.

They were perfectly fine. Goddess smiled relieved. She looked and saw a large cross shake the sky.

Al vanished and appeared down at the bottom.

"This is his fight." Goddess stopped them all from going to his side. "He must do this on his own." she said.

Cheshire sat down keeping his grin. "You'd never guess who I found." He said.

Dell looked at him and Cheshire held up a ball that showed a person standing at the tablets.

"Oba!" Dell said.

The person placed the tablet in its last spot and the Al in the bubble shrieked.

The pillar of light charged in his chest as another crystal ball emerged from it.

"He's complete." Cheshire said and Goddess looked down at him.

The mist was blown away. The black clouds swarmed like bees to honey.

From the distance A woman appeared, black hair and black eyes pale skin being covered by a dark purple dress.

"Glama." Goddess said.

The woman did not speak. She simply floated down from the sky floating over the ground an inch away.

The charge beam from Al's chest blasted toward her, the golden sword swooshed and cut right through it.

Cheshire watched and vanished into the realm. He ran down the hall toward the tablet room.

Al vanished and slammed the heel of his foot down on her.

He whimpered and hit the floor harder than she'd ever thought.

He jumped landing on her with his feet crushing her into the ground.

The sword stabbed through him and the two skulls pinched his hands bringing him up like a cross.

He didn't struggle or even try.

The sword formed two other and she snapped her fibers making them pierce his skin.

The crimson liquid dripped as they pulled out, the beam shot out from his chest engulfing her in the bright light.

The skulls released his hands and light bone wings best out his back destroying them.

The balance she had tipped. The two skulls were destroyed. He jumped into the sky coming down with silver balls of light.

He crashed into her as she prepared to take him down with her.

The swords once more pierced his skin yet he was so numb he didn't feel it.

Al shot the beam from his chest again making the swords quiver and shake. Their blades broken and he jumped away from her as the wounds heal.

"He's so powerful." Din said,

"The strength of a king," Dil agreed.

Cheshire grinned seeing the ball on his chest crack.

The balance Glama had floated over her and suddenly demons crashed through everything.

"Just a little more." He said gritting his teeth.

The shadows jumped onto him forming a large dark ball.

"Now!" Cheshire burst into the room with the tablets, "I am Cheshire who accepts each life on Wonderlad! Fulfill his dream, the dream of the Card King!" A tablet emerged before him he spoke the words so fast they were slightly jumbled up.

He pushed the tablet into the tablet of the two last missing spots. It sealed and the Al in the bubble opened his eyes.

The bubble burst and over raged a massive power surge rushing through the halls and doors of Al's domain.

Al screamed and the ball on his chest broke. The blue lines swarmed his body slithering off him liked snakes.

In which, they did form large cobras that slither and stood eight feel tall.

The snakes shrieked and began to swallow everything. Four cards floated in front of Al and soon orbited him like a planet.

His eyes were still all white and his hair swayed as if he were underwater.

His wings grew larger and he shot into the sky. Balls of light rained from the sky smashing into the ground creating massive bombs.

The black clouds thundered and lightning struck the ground running along the bottom like children having fun.

He came down inside a big ball of light and once it touched the ground it exploded into a wave of purity.

"Now!" Goddess jumped.

Din and Dil jumped with her.

"Haaaaaa!" Dil crashed into the ground before Glama making her jump back into Din's grounding spell.

She struggled to move and soon she was help as a cross.

Goddess appeared before her.

"Eight-pulse lightning!" She hit every dark point on Glama's body and with each blow darkness shot out of her.

The black mist screeched and Cheshire came up opening a door. Zela came out, she tapped a hidden gem on her forehead and the darkness was sucked right in.

Glama screamed and when goddess moved away from her Al came up.

"Sleep." He said. And flicked her forehead sending her in a sleep she couldn't resist.

Din closed his book. Dil took her scythe out the ground and put it away. Zela disappeared with a smile to Cheshire and the cards orbiting Al all spread out again.

As Cheshire moved to Al he returned to normal. The darkness in him seeped out and purified into the air around him.

Cheshire caught him before he fell as Goddess held Glama from falling too.

Cheshire held Al closely. He smiled walking down a secret hall.

"You did well." He said entering a secret room.

The door opened an there was an enormous flower field, he didn't say anymore and walked in.

The space made Al open his tired eyes. His body ache being pushed to the limit.

He didn't say anything either but stared at the beautiful sky above Cheshire.

He could see him but he couldn't speak. His voice was tired. The Wonderland he knew grew fainter and weaker, a distant memory.

Cheshire sat down and lay Al on the grassy ground in the center. The smooth grass blades rubbed again his sore skin. He looked a Cheshire.

Who curled up next to him having his head on Al's chest. He smiled.

"Glama has been purified." His voice echoed in the warm space. "Now we need you.. to accept being the King."

On Al's shoulder were four birthmarks. A Red Heart. A Green Clover. A Gold Diamond. And a Black Spade.

He didn't see them or feel them. But he knew they were there.

His eyes closed feeling the ease smooth over his body.

"Glama isn't a threat.. anymore." Cheshire whispered feeling Al become still.

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