The Book

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Al walked around the massive library, the woman followed him holding one of the vines that held her hand and wrapped around her arm just in case.

He saw the stalls and stalks of books, he was amazed to see the many books there were.

"Oh, what's your name?" He asked looking back at her.

She fixed herself acting like a child though looking as if she were in her twenties.

"Em," she said.

"Em? That's so pretty," he said saying over and over, "It rolls right off the tongue!" He said happily.

He could feel her pace slowing down, they've been walking since they fell and since the sun set.

Now the sun rose again she was tired and hungry. She couldn't even walk anymore from such needs.

So the vines wrapped around her and lift her up having her sit on the vine made chair.

"You didn't have to." She said.

"It's okay, I mean, if I could take you into the Twist, we could get out of here easy." He said.

He blew off some dust from a book holding it and continuing to walk.


"It's the domain," he said and doors appeared opening to show her, "I can get in, but I need Cheshire to agree to you going in too." He explained.

"I.. see..." she frowned.

"Since I'm so far from Cheshire.. I'm so limited," he grabbed another book dusting it off.

"You.. take about the Cheshire Cat a lot." She pointed out.

"Haha, I do huh? Well, I suppose it is because I like him," he said honestly.

"Like him?"

"He's my cat after all." Al slowed down and came to a stop. "Passed down.. through all the Al's... and Alice's possession...." he said.

She saw the doors start to twist and deform. The halls inside of them started to collapse under his thought and the doors vanished.


"Cheshire!!" Cassie went by his side quickly, "What's wrong?!" She asked panicked.

"Uurgh... A-Al.." He hand his hand on his chest feeling the sharp pain strike him.

"Al!? Is he okay, is he alright!?" She asked-

Suddenly a door opened and out fell Vaan and Bell, Bell screeched,

"Bell!!!" Vaan screamed covering his ears.

His vine burst out from his back cocooning her. He lift his head seeming to have an infection on him.

His skin turned brown and withered like a real flower would without love and care.

"M-master.....!!" Vaan said in pain as his vines vibrated with Bell's banshee screams.

"It's Al.." Cheshire said growling in pain. Another tail split out from his lower back and his claws came out.

His teeth sharpened and he scratched the floor turning into the big cat form.

"Cheshire!" Cassie tripped to calm him down.

"H-he... doesn't..." Bell cried through the vines trying to control her screaming, "believe in us..."

"Believe?" She fell back when Cheshire shrieked in pain.

He burst back the way they had come, the vine spider made root where they stopped.

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