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Cheshire screamed at the door trying to open it but his words weren't heard.

Vaan and Bell ran to him, Bell grabbed Em who cried taking her to another room while Vaan helped Cheshire try to pry the door open.

The door shook and they let go throwing themselves to the sides as it crashed open.

They spoke but their words were silent.

It was as if everything was on mute.

They quickly and cautiously stood looking into the room.

It was all black, papers flew everywhere. They tried to walk in but the razor papers cut their skin deeply.

They started to form large orbits. Books flew with them and chaos grew.

In the center of the once massive library floated Al in dark space.

His hair still black, his skin and body normal. But his eyes were wide and a book was closed in front of him. Another book was retrieved from the massive three orbiting paper and books mix.

A blue covered book that read 'Al in Wonderland' and a light green colored book that read "Alice in Wonderland."

"He... has grown stronger." Vaan accepted this but Cheshire couldn't believe he distorted a place outside of his domain.

The papers changed colors and began forming the library again, wood floors and shelves, desks and chairs.

"He's remaking it?" Vaan looked at Cheshire who was stuck.

He didn't know what to do. Al's eyes were all white, no color or pupils.

The fading image of a crown stood over his head and four cards vanished from orbiting around in the inner layer.

His pupils shined gold and he smiled a Cheshire grin as hold cat ears popped out with a cat tail.

Cheshire's eyes widened even more, he saw the large library finish forming. The door changed into a larger one attaching to his domain by the dark force escaping Al.

The moment he closed again a quick glance was flashed their way.

"Cheshire?" Vaan looked at him, "What is wrong with master?" He asked and Cheshire looked at him.

"The darkness.." he said, "the books.." he said and looked back at the door.

He knew something was wrong, when the door opened again but this time on its owns.

A large black shadow hand crashed out grabbing Cheshire, "Ugh!" and dragged him inside.

"Master!" the door locked as it closed before Vaan could do anything.

Cheshire was dragged through until he opened his eyes seeing the dark shadow vines sway around the endless dark circle in the center too of the library.

"Al. Al!!" Cheshire tried to get free but couldn't, "Stop this!!" He screamed, "Al!!!" he was pulled in and the silence of the library returned.

He had his eyes closed feeling nothing, his ears down and his tail still. He peeked and looked around and saw a book pass by.

More books floated in the distorted place he floated in.

He saw Al sitting curled in the middle with the book in front of him.

"I'm..." he heard his voice echo. "A book...?"

Cheshire narrowed his eyes and floated closer to him. The distortion of the circle they were in made him slightly dizzy.

Al in WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now