Cobra x Reader (LEMON)

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Cobra: ok show of hands who all went "aye sir" when they saw the photo above AND DON'T LIE!! *gives Britty a look*

Me: *sigh* fine you win cobra *puts hand up*

Cobra: I knew it *smirk*

Me: I hate that your such a know it all!!

Cobra: no you don't infact you think it's sexy!

Me: we are done with this conversation

Cobra: but!


Cobra: ..... *grumbles*

Me: I win ^_^ ok so this is a lemon folks meaning SEX IS INVOLVED if you do not like it then please do not continue as I do not want to scar anyone for life, okii? GREAT! and those of you who love lemons (like me) ENJOY ^3^


"I choose..."

You felt almost sick to your stomach with how nervous you were. what if your feeling were to be crushed once you admitted who you wanted to be with. WHAT IF IT WAS JUST A CRUEL GAME TO HIM!? just so he could be the winner.

'Oh god I'm throw up' you clenched your stomach making the dragon slayer worry about you.

Looking up you see worried faces. You smiled and waved them off, "I'm fine must of ate to much junk food!"

They all smiled and looked content with your answer except Cobra, he was frowning. Obviously he heard your thoughts and knew you were actually nervous/having second thoughts. He was getting a little annoyed that he hasn't figured out who you liked yet or who was making you nervous.

You reframed from thinking of his name so far, cause you knew Cobra would just blurt it out.

'This is it' you thought

'About fricken time' Cobra groaned in his head

You took a deep breath then announced...


Cobra smirk grew huge. Obviously this pissed off the other slayers.

"WHAT!?" Natsu yelled "BUT HE'S A DARK MAGE?"

"I used to be" Cobra pointed out

"Doesn't matter! You still killed people! and your still technically a fugitive!" Natsu spat

You could tell it bothered Cobra for Natsu stating the obvious, he tried to hide it under his cool, tough guy exterior but you saw right through it.

"Natsu!" you warned "please don't fight"

"He's just going to hurt you..." Natsu muttered

That boy really didn't know when to keep his mouth shut. He was actually starting to make you mad. But you didn't know what mad you more mad the fact that everything Natsu said had already crossed your mind OR the fact that the others silence only mean they agreed with him.

"Please leave all of you!" You stated rather calmly given the circumstances

"But-" Natsu started but your determined look made him stop.

"Everyone except Cobra please leave, I thank you for coming over but-" you hesitated "I see that your all bothered by my decision so I've also decided that I don't want to talk to any of you until you respect my choice!"

They all looked startled even Cobra. No one believed sweet little Y/N, could be so harsh. But it had to be done.

Natsu was the first to leave, and without a word. This made you sad, you knew he would be upset but you thought he would atleast apologize but you got the cold shoulder instead.

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