Gajeel Redfox x Reader (LEMON)

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Gajeel: This is a FairyTail fanfic not Pokemon.....

Me: o_O err what?

Gajeel: nevermind just get to writing


Gajeel: common tiny! Your keeping people waiting!

Me: I'm not tiny.... I'm fun size!

Cobra: aye!

Me: ^_^ ok let's get show on the road!


" I choose...."

Your heart was pounding. Your nerves definitely got the best of you. You knew this choice was the right one though. you beamed a huge grin then said...


"NOO!" Natsu whales
"Why him?!"

"Why not me, little lizard!" Gajeel barked

"BECAUSE ITS YOU!" Natsu roared

'Uh oh' You thought
'I have a weird feeling that one of them is going through of my wall' you sighed dropping your head

Gajeel patted the top of Natsu's head
"Well you look pretty small from here hothead!"




They smashed their heads together threateningly as a deathly chill filled the air

'Oh god my house is gonna be destroyed!' You were sweating bullets now

"Ok boys" Sting cleared his throat "We need to remember we're in y/n's house, so don't break it in half on her" he chuckles

Gajeel and Natsu didn't even budge.

Laxus grabbed Natsu by his Scarf and began to drag him away.

"Oh common Laxus you ruined the show" Cobra called

Laxus shot back and menacing glance
"I don't need this idiot going overbroad and wiping out this entire block!" He gestured down at Natsu who was struggled out of his grip.

"I don't go overbroad!" Everyone facepalmed at that

Natsu crossed his arms and pouted "ok fine, I get the hint!"

Everyone left your house laughing at poor Natsu.

"Pfft" Gajeel sneered "I would've one punched the brat! KO!"

You giggled "I'm sure you would've"

Gajeel whipped his head towards you, "what do you mean by that?"

"Nothing Gajeel" You winked

Gajeel blushed then grumbled to himself

"Soo..." You dolled "what do you wanna do?"

"Whatever you want, it's your place" Gajeel sighed. He was a little out of his comfort zone. He was fine picking fights and talking to others. But to be with a girl alone, and one he likes to top it off.

"Hmmm..." you pondered while tapping your finger to your chin.
You looked completely adorable to Gajeel, standing there totally focused on your thoughts.

You snapped your fingers, "I got it"
You grabbed his hand and started leading him somewhere.

"Where are we going?" Gajeel wondered

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