Rogue Cheney x Reader

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So I'm sorry!! I said I'd update right away but my studies got in the way :( but now I'm back!! Yay XD thought I'd do rogue first cuz he's such a cutie ^_^
Rogue: thank you Britty
Me: your very welcome rogue!



You reached into your bag and immediately your hand got tangled in something, it felt like a chain. You knew who you got as you pulled your hand out...

"Rogue I got you" you grinned as you waved the necklace with the Sabertooth crest dangling from it.

Rogue got up silently and walked up to you, to help untangle the chain. Once you were released, he placed it back around his neck. He swiftly grabbed your hand and lead you to the closet.

"Remember Rogue you only have 7 minutes with Y/N, use your time wisely!" Sting warned the shadow dragon as he closed the closet door.

Darkness was all you could see. 'damn' you thought 'how am I suppose to kiss him if I can't see him?' you let out a long exhaled

You heard a chuckle from the other side of the closet, obviously it was Rogue.

Rogue was always so quiet. No matter who he was around. It didn't bother you to say the least though. sometimes silence spoke millions. Seeing as Rogue wasn't chatty but his actions showed his compassion and kindness towards others, especially his exceed Froshe. He was such a sweetheart to his little companion, almost made a girl wonder if that's how he would be to...ohh I don't know, maybe.... his girlfriend?

"I bet you would be really good to your girlfriend" that was suppose to be a inner thought but soon after you realized you said it out loud!!

'Oh no he's gonna think I'm weird!'
Thank god it was dark in that closet or Rogue would've been able to see you obvious blush.

'I'm wrecking my one chance with Rogue!'

Almost as if on cue, you felt a pair of warm hands on either side of your face , followed by warm lips on yours. you then realized Rogue was kissing you! Rogue Cheney is kissing YOU! You immediately melted into the kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck.
His hands left your face and gently took their place on your hips.

It was the sweetest kiss you ever received! It was almost a kiss Prince Charming would give. No it WAS a kiss Prince Charming would give.

You were in such a daze you almost didn't feel the gentle gliding of Rogue's tongue on your bottom lip. You smiled, and just as you were about to give him entrance the closet door opened.

"Time's up!" shouted Sting as he pulled you out of the closet

You watched as Rogue exited the closet after you but before he took his spot on the coach he leaned down to your ear and said "I would be a very good boyfriend to my girlfriend, but words are nothing my only proof would be to show you" he then placed a gentle kiss on your cheek.

You could only stand there, blushing, then the bag was shoved towards you by an unamused Iron Dragon.

"Don't go picking your king just yet princess.." you beamed a genuine smile to Gajeel then you placed your hand in the bag.

This time pulling out.......


Whew! That one was kinda hard because to me Rogue's character is so hard to grasp! MAYBE HE SHOULD TALK MORE!! *glares at Rogue*


Me: *sigh* whatever! Hope you liked it reader-chan!! Next up Laxus!

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