Cobra/Erik x Reader

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Me: Yes! Last one for part 1! I'm excited!

Cobra: why was I last?

Me: because.....i don't know it just turned out that way

Cobra: *stares* no your lying

Me: sh-shut up!

Cobra: awe that's cute

Me: GAH! no!

Cobra: but your reasoning amuses me!

Me: *pushes cobra* and now lets get to the fic shall we?


You decided you were going straight to the bottom of the bag. On the way your hand bumped into many items but you were determined that you wanted to get the item on the very bottom. Once there you glided your hand along the surface there you found something! You wrapped your fingers around it and to you it felt cold. The more you felt it's shape the more it grew obvious that it was some sort of ring.

'Should this be the item I choose or should I keep looking?' I wondered then a voice broke through her train of thought.

"I think you should pick that one!"

The voice belonged to no one else but Cobra. You didn't know much about him as he didn't belong to your guild or any legal guild for that matter. You heard stories of him once belonging to a dark guild called Oracion Seis, but now to make up for his past he is apart of a guild that is neither dark or 'good', so to speak. That's about all you knew maybe if you had the chance to sit down and talk with him you would be able to learn more.

"What are you waiting for?" again Cobra's voice broke you from your thoughts

You rolled your eyes 'jeez he's pushy' but you obeyed him by pulling out the item. And you were right it was a ring but it was nothing to fancy just a silver band.

'I wonder who it belongs to?'

The suddenly it was taken from you. you looked over to see Cobra putting the ring on.

"It's yours?" you asked innocently

"Yup" Cobra smirked

"That's kinda cheating isn't it?" You nagged

"Whatever, you still pulled it out!" he then wrapped an arm around your waist and brought his face dangerously close to yours. Your face felt like it was on fire.

"Hey! go to the closet, none of us want to see you kissing Y/N, it's bad enough already!" Laxus was very irritated.

Cobra smirked "alright we're going" he said while pulling you towards the closet

"7 MINUTES!" shouted Natsu, who was equally as irritated

You closed the door, and when you turned around you were greeted by darkness.

'Oh no' you thought 'where is he?'

You then felt someone grab your hips and use their weight to pin you to the door. Then their breath was on the nap or your neck. Oh Mavis, if you weren't burning before you definitely were now.



You didn't really know what else to say, you were lost for words.... Maybe it was 'cause you were pinned to the door by a super hot dragon slayer OR.... maybe it was the fact the he was an Ex. dark Mage which did kinda scare you.

"Heh" you heard Cobra chuckle "you know...." his breath was on your lips "if I really wanted to hurt you... you would already be hurt, so I'd put those little worries to rest beautiful"

Now you felt kinda bad here you were worrying about his past, and he could hear everything you were saying!

"Sorry" you apologized "I didn't mean to offend you"

"You didn't offend me, you just shouldn't judge a book by its cover or rather.... a person by their past especially when you don't know ALL of their past"

He was right you had no idea what he went through so who were you to judge him, if only you could make it up to him...

"There's one way, you can?"

'Damn he heard me!' but before you could inquire what he was implying his lips met with yours.

It was an expert kiss not too soft but not to hard. Knowing Cobra he probably had experience, well more then you did anyway.

You sighed into the kiss, this allowed Cobra to slip his tongue in and explore.

'God he's good'

Cobra broke from the kiss "Thanks sweetheart" although you couldn't see it you had a feeling that he probably has that smirk of his placed on his lips. You were about to lean in for another kiss but then the door clicked open. You completely forgot that you were pinned to the door so you and Cobra both toppled to the floor.

"Ow!" you scratched the back of your head, you were already dazed from the lip smacking you were doing with Cobra but now you were really out of it.

"Well this is awkward...." Gajeel stood just above you with an embarrassed expression

"What are you-" you began to question but then realized when you fell Cobra feel on top of you. Your look like a tomato. Cobra just smiled. He started leaning down to kiss you again then you felt his weight being lifted off you.

"You had your 7 minutes!" Laxus sneered as he put Cobra down.

"Don't blame me, Gajeel was the one who opened the door that caused the scene, should've knocked"

Gajeel only response was a Growl to which Cobra shrugged then made his way back into the living room.

Laxus and Gajeel both helped you up and made sure you were okay because you did hit your head but you assured them you were perfectly fine. All three went back to the living room. Laxus and Gajeel both sat down while you made your way to the bag.

'Lets see whose next' You thought as you reached into the bag

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N- I wrote all the "xReaders" like you got to choose who you first picked, just incase you guys were wondering why I ended Cobra's with a cliff hanger even though he's the last one. ^_^

Me: Yay! part 1 complete!

Cobra: hey Reader-Chan wanna know why Britty made me last?


Cobra: it's because she was grieving to write it 'cause she wants me all to herself!

Me: >_< not true!

Cobra: you can't lie to me *grins*

Me: *mumbles* I don't know why I like you

Cobra: it's because I remind you of your boyfriend

Me: *sniffles* I miss him..... you know I'm gonna go call him right now

Cobra: WAIT! You can't do that?!?

Me: why not?

Cobra: be-because I....uhh....*stutters like crazy*

Me: *smirks* you liiiiike me!

Cobra: NO! *blushes*

Me: pfft! you can't lie to me

Cobra: pfft! it's not like you can hear my thoughts!

Me: no... but I am the writer here *grins* so I do what I want

Cobra: O.o

Me: BYE READER-CHAN!! I hope you liked Part 1, next is part 2 which is just the follow up on what happens after the 7 minutes, maybe it'll have some lemons maybe just fluffy cuteness :) STAY TUNED XD

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