Sting Eucliffe x Reader

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Me: Yay! Sting is up ^_^

Sting: Finally!

Me: Hey! I'm aloud to have a life! Heck all I did was take a break to eat!

Sting: Sorry Britty

Me: That's right! You better be sorry, Anyway do you want to spend time in the closet with Reader-chan?

Sting: YES MA'AM!

Me: Okay then zip it!

Sting: *sits and waits silently*

Me: Good dragon ^_^ now! Lets do this!!


Your hand was deep in your bag now. Your hand bummed into a few items but one actually managed to hook itself on the bracelet you were wearing. Pulling your hand out you found an earring dangling there. You unhooked it and examined it.

'Pretty' You thought while looking at the white jeweled earring


You glanced up to see Sting standing there with his cute smile of his.

"You picked my item, Y/N! pretty isn't it?"

You nodded as you have him back the earring. He then proceeded to hook it back into his left ear. From there he bowed and extended his arm, gesturing to the closet. "ladies first!" he grinned

You giggled as you made your way to the closet.

'Sting is such a gentleman'

Soon after sting entered as well closing the door behide him

"Remember 'Master', its only 7 minutes" Rogue put extra emphasis on the word master. To which Sting growled in reasons.

Inside the closet was well lit, thanks to Sting's white dragon magic. he made small beam of white light that floated just above both your heads. Maybe it was just you but the light brought out his piercing blue eyes.

"Wow I never realized just how blue your eyes were Sting! its like starring into the sea or sky!"

Sting simply gave you a heart warming smile then placed his hand and your cheek tilting your head up a little. "You say this as if your eyes aren't just as captivating Y/N"

Your heart skipped at that, and your face heated up.

Sting chuckled "Your so cute Y/N"

"So are you Sting"

Sting blushed a thousand shades of red, then chuckled nervously.


You giggled at Sting he had so much confidence when you first got into the closet but now he was at a lose of words. You decided to make the first move to help him out. so you grabbed his head and crashed your lips on his.

Sting was caught a little off guard but he wasn't going to complain. he smiled into the kiss while wrapping both arms around your mid-back and pulled you as close as possible to his chest as he could. The kiss was first simple, sweet and innocent but it soon grew lustful as You began moaning from the hot making out session. Sting then abandoned your mouth and made a little trail of kisses across your jawline and down your neck.

Your skin felt like it was illuminating from where his lips touched. your hands found their way to Sting's blonde locks, tugging them gently. Another moan was about to leave your lips when the door began to open.

"'Master' your time is up" Rogue's voice was flat, probably not too impressed with what Sting was trying to accomplish.

"Of course" Sting breathed on your neck

You both left the closet smiling at each other

'I wonder how far that would've went?' You looked over to Sting whose eyes never seemed to leave your form. A giggled escaped your lips, Sting just grins a goofy grin. Then he got an elbow to the ribs from his partner Rogue. "knock it off flirt, your Sabertooth's master not a playboy" Rogue warned

'ohhhh so that's why he was so prim and proper before' You shook your head

'at least I know he'll be himself around me, even if it means him being a total Flirt!'

On that note you walked up to the bag that sat on the table and reached in to grab.....


There! Sorry if this one is confusing! I was trying to portray that Sting would be a gentleman in front of others putting up an act as being guild master but behind closed doors he's quiet passionate and a bit of a dork lol Well I hope you enjoyed it anyway ^_^

Sting: Bye Reader-Chan!

Me: Sting!!

Sting: Yes Britty?

Me: I told you to stay quiet!

Sting: I thought that was just for the story?

Me: no it wasn't!

Sting: Well too bad!

Me: humph! I can't believe I wrote a story with you in it!

Sting: But you did *hugs Britty* no turning back now ^_^

Me: *sigh* next up is Gajeel!


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