Natsu Dragneel x Reader

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Me: Hello Reader-chan! ready for your 7 minutes in heaven with the OHH SO LOVABLE fire dragon, Natsu!


Me: looks like Natsu is ready ^_^ hehe well I won't keep you two waiting *wink*


As you dug through the bag your heart was beating so fast it felt like it was gonna burst right out of your chest. Why were you so nervous, well duh look at your situation silly. You were focusing on your breathing when you felt a soft silk like material, curious to see what it was you pulled it out.

There in your hands was a scarf, it was a pretty plain scarf as far as designs go but the feeling of the fabric on your finger tips was simply to die for.

"Finally, I feel so naked without my scarf!" Natsu chirped while he sprang from his seat. you should've known it was Natsu from the small burn marks on each end of the scarf.

"Here you go, Natsu" You unwillingly have him back his scarf, because once it left your grasps you immediately missed the feeling of silk. You watched carefully as Natsu wrapped it back around his neck.

Although you wanted his scarf you needed to focus on the task at hand here. You picked Natsu's item so that means you'll be going to the closet with the spunky fire eater.

Natsu grabbed your wrist and gave you his signature grin.

"Ready Y/N?"

"Absolutely!" You chimed

"Great I'm all fire up now!" He jumped with his free hand fisted in the air then he started to pull (more like drag) you to the closet. It didn't bother you though, you like how energetic Natsu always is.

You both stood in the closet when Cobra appeared in the doorway

"K, 7 minutes salamander then I'm opening the door"

"Yeah yeah slanty-eyes I got it! Now close the door!"

Cobra proceeded to close the door but you heard the low toned growl that came from him. You knew Natsu and Cobra had it out for one another and you weren't willing to found out just how far their hate really was. Now that you were on that topic though... you realized Natsu always seemed to get under people's skin easily. You didn't really understand it through, to you he always seemed nice..... maybe a little to enthusiastic and rambunctious but still nice!

Guess to some he could viewed as annoying but that's Natsu and if he was any different you really couldn't see yourself liking him all that much. He was the hot-headed, loud mouth, foolish, fire dragon slayer! known as Natsu and that's just the way you liked him.

You smiled to yourself as you sat on the floor of the closet simply holding Natsu's hands in your own. You could feel the heat radiating off not only his hands but his body, nothing really surprising through for a guy who eats fire for a snack.

You both sat there in silence. although nothing was happening you actually enjoyed just being around Natsu, to felt..... Right

But of course silence never lasted long with Natsu around. "So I guess I should kiss you now huh"

'That was sudden' you giggled thoughtfully

"I guess so" you mused

Natsu leaned forward and gave you an innocent peck on the lips. You were a little disappointed, the kiss was so fast that if it wasn't for the heat that you felt when Natsu's face got close to your you could swear hands down that he didn't kiss you.


You were confused 'why is he apologizing?'

Natsu signed "I'm not really good at this kinda stuff, I'm more of a fighter..."

You couldn't help but laugh 'well no duh!'

"Don't laugh! that was actually my first kiss!" Natsu whined

You stopped laughing instantly, "I was your first kiss"

Although he said nothing you knew he nodded

"Awe Natsu!" You reached out found his neck and pulled him into a hug. you nuzzled your face into his neck.

"It's ok, to be honest I'm not very good at this stuff either, maybe we can learn together!"

This time he nuzzled his head into your neck and returned the embrace, "Yeah! I think I would be ok with that"

You sat there, embracing each other until Natsu's head shot up, startling you in the process.

"Is something wrong?"

"Nope I just thought of something I wanted to try with you"

"Uhh okay?" you were a little nervous hopefully it was nothing to out there...

Then you felt the familiar heat of Natsu's lips on yours. then the heat grew stronger as Natsu moved his lips perfectly against yours, then his tongue pushed its way into your mouth.

'Where is this coming from? I thought he said he wasn't good at this stuff?'
You were utterly shocked as you felt the warm muscle exploring your mouth

Then the comforting warmth disappeared when Natsu pulled away.

"Did I do good?" Natsu asked

"Do good? Natsu that's was amazing where the hell did you learn that? like jeez so much for being a newbie!" you practically screamed

"I remember seeing a guy do that to some chick while watching one of Lucy's chick flicks! The girl seem to really enjoy it so I thought you might. and I guess you did!" you could definitely hear the proudness in Natsu's voice while saying this.

'Oh Natsu, your so naive'

Then the door swung open, you were lifting off the ground and placed outside the closet in a abrupt manner.

"Your done!" Cobra shot at Natsu who still sat in the closet. he looked so innocent sitting there. you couldn't help but 'awe' in your head. Cobra then wrapped an arm around you and lead you back to the living room, away from the closet.

"Whoa Cobra no need to get angry" Sting pointed out

"Pfft you would be angry too, if you heard all the 'movie' scenes he wanted to try out on Y/N!"

You blushed at this. Finally Natsu walked back into the room and reclaimed his spot on the couch.

"Just cause I was thinking it doesn't mean I would do it" Natsu spat

"Whatever, here Y/N" Cobra handed you the bag.

"Thank you"

You then proceeded to dig your hand into the bag.

What will you find next?


Me: Awe! I always loved reading fanfics of Natsu being all innocent and naive! It definitely suites him well that's foresure :)

Natsu: Isn't naive just another way of saying I'm childish?

Me: Uhhh well...

Cobra: Yes


Natsu: I'm not childish, just 'cause I don't care about kissing and junk, that shouldn't automatically make me a child

Me: Oh Natsu I think your taking this a little too much to heart, naive only means that you don't take or think how others would.

Natsu: so your saying a don't think?

Cobra: *burst out laughing*


Natsu: *sigh* I just don't get it.

Cobra: no duh

Me: *hugs Natsu* maybe one day you'll understand


Me: *glares at cobra* ok Reader-chan I hope you enjoyed your time with Natsu!! Next up is snake boy....

Cobra: Hey!

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