Gajeel Redfox X Reader

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Me: Alright Gajeel your up! you ready metal mouth?

Gajeel: no

Me: what do you mean no? Reader-chan has waited patiently

Gajeel: I don't care I'm not ready til you apologize for calling me metal mouth!

Me: are you serious?

Gajeel: very

Me: *mumbles* you big baby can't believe you were actually evil once


Me: I said I'm sorry now can we get to the story?

Gajeel: gehehe yes now we can, get ready Reader-chan your about your daily dose of Iron *winks*

Me: well that was lame.....

Gajeel: excuse me??

Me: your excused! now HERE YOU GO XD

Gajeel: *mumbles threats*


"Hmmm..." You hummed aloud while you dug around in your bag, absent-mindedly. suddenly your hand brushed against something smooth. "What the...?" you began to touch even more so, then you finally decided this is the item you will pick. So you pulled it out to reveal a leather glove. 'Oh I get it now' You thought. you then glanced to Gajeel noticing he had the matching glove on his hand. You held out the glove.

"I believe this belongs to you Gajeel"

"You would believe right, squirt" you have you a toothy grin as he placed the glove back on his hand.

You smiled then made your way to the closet. When you entered the closet you thought you saw a light dust of pink on Gajeel's cheeks.

'No way, he's too tough to be blushing. right?' This was a pondering thought ever since Gajeel joined FairyTail he always seemed a little.... what was that best word to describe it.... rough around the edges? yeah! that's it!

Even when he did his sing act he always had this 'cool' guy thing going for him. it was really hard to imagine him as anything but tough.

You were soon ripped from your thoughts when you heard the 'click' from the door letting you know the closet was now shut.

And there you were standing in the closet with Gajeel Redfox, formally known as Black Steel Gajeel. You had no idea what to say to him, worried that you would set off his temper.

'Hmmmm..... Oh I know!' you cheered in your head.

"So Gajeel when did you start singing?" you knew this was a safe subject because whenever someone at the guild mentioned singing or music Gajeel always had to be right there in the conversation.

"Why do you wanna know? Does it bother you?"

You frowned "No I actually enjoy when you sing, seeing as it makes you happy makes me happy"

"Really?" Although you couldn't see his face you knew from the cheerful tone in his voice that he was smiling

"Of course, why would I lie to you Gajeel, especially about your singing? that's one of the many things I admire about you"

"Wow....." Gajeel chuckles "nobody has told me that before! Thanks Y/N!"


"Umm Y/N?"

"Yes Gajeel?"

You heard him swallow hard as if he was gaining up courage.

"Do you mind if I kiss you?"

'Awe' you squealed in your head. You never expected Gajeel of all people to ask permission to kiss you. you quickly nodded then waited eagerly for your kiss. But nothing happened you kinda got sad thinking he chickened out.

"Uhh Y/N? You know you have to 'tell' me right? 'cause.....I can't see if you nodded or not"

You face palmed 'you idiot!!' you mentally scolded yourself

"Yes, you can kiss me!" you squeaked. You couldn't help it you actually loved this side of Gajeel.

"Gehehe perfect!"

After you felt a hot breath on your lips, then a hand on your cheek to help guide the kiss. The kiss it's was a little rough on your soft lips but you didn't mind, because you still felt the love that was behind it. The kiss, I guess you could say, mirrored Gajeel. Rough on the outside but if you looked underneath the tough guy persona there you found a huggable teddy bear.

You moved your lips on his and you got a smirk from Gajeel then out of no where you felt a hand rest itself on your butt, you squeaked which allowed the Iron Dragon access so carefully he stuck his muscle into your mouth. Your tongues danced and explored for awhile but you both needed air. You both were gasping.

"I can't believe you grabbed my butt" you said between breaths

"Well I can't be nice all the time squirt!" Gajeel mocked

But little did you know his real intention was to put his hand on the small of your back but unfortunately his aim was a little too low.

"I bet, you didn't even mean to" You joked

"Heh yeah..." he scratched the back of his head.

Soon the door opened and there stood Laxus.

"Did you two even kiss? I heard alot of talking in here"

"That's none of your business!" Gajeel snapped then pushed his way past Laxus

Engage tough guy mode

You shook your head while giggling. of of course he would go back to being 'rough' when in front of the guys, but he'll always be your teddy-bear.

"Alright Y/N, time to choose someone else" Natsu said while grabbing the bag and handing it to you. "maybe next time you won't be wasting your time"

"Screw you salamander" Gajeel growled

'Oh boy' you thought as your hand disappeared into the bag.....


Me: WOOHOO! I think that one was the best one yet!! my writing is already started to improve!

Gajeel: it was ok

Me: *frowns* you didn't like it?

Gajeel: I didn't say that!!

Me: ohh I get it! You didn't like that I put in your sensitive side!

Gajeel: *blushes* NO!

Me: awe *hugs Gajeel* your so cute


Me: pfft yeah okay Mr. softy.... ANYWAY I hope you liked the read, Reader-chan! Next up NATSU!! ^_^

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