chapter VII

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it's monday, eileen was getting sick of the constant scaredness she and rosie lived in. the girl was ready to move out two years ago . and now she got the chance to do so . she finally could just pack her things up and leave this house never looking back at it .

but she was worried about rosie . the teenage girl was still in highschool , not even a senior yet. and she didn't have the best life here as well . she was abused daily - mentally and physically. eileen did not want to leave the girl in 5his toxic household .

but there is no way she could take rosie with her and her parents not being mad about it . or is there ?

eileen was working her morning shift , from 7am to 12pm. she was let off at twelve because the workplace hired a new person and she starts working today .

at this moment it was 10:40am and all eileen 2ad able to think about is how will she leave the house without her father , joleen and especially kristoff seeing her . there would be no way he let the girl leave just like that.

group of teenagers came in and that
gave eileen the distraction she needed , the boost to pay attention to her work and not being all over the place in her thoughts.

* * *

outside was quite the warm day , eileen was quick to walk home. the girl needs a game plan, for what she knew everyone would be home today . and eileen wasn't about to get caught sneaking out .

eileen arrived at home , saw all three of the cars in the driveway. rolling her eyes she quitley went inside . getting past the living room and kitchen unnoticed , kristofer saw her walking up the stairs but from what the girls could see , he was on the phone with someone important.

she quickly hopped in her room, it was a small one . she had a bed , desk, vanity, closet that's about it . it was awfully decorated and she hated it . the girl also didn't have much things of her own. un-lucky for the girl she lived on the second story .

at about two pm, an hours an md a half after she arrived home , rosie came into her room . the girl saw her and smiled .

-hi, how was school ? - eileen asked , gesturing her to sit next to her

-im almost done with finals , honestly can't wait.  - rosie took a seat next to the older girl

-i bet , i have something i want to talk to you about - eileen put a concerning look on her face

- im listening - rosie made sure to put her full atettion to her sister

- the thing is , I'm moving out today . I've been thinking about it all day . i want to do bad . i need to so bad.  -

rosie raised an eyebrow - okey? the problem ? -

-its you -

- pardon ? - .

- i don't want to leave you here , no way I'm leaving you here alone with this awful family.  can't even call it that.  i want you to come with me .

but the problem is our parents , and you are underage . i don't know how it would work out honestly. i could adopt you . but no way the would allow that .

so i was thinking I'm packing today and leaving tonight . i want you to come with me , but I'm scared -

eileen finished her speach with a worried look on her face

rosie took the girls hands in here and looked directly in her sisters eyes.

-eileen, you need to move out. today . i will help you as much as i can . i also want to move out with you and live with you.  i would love to .

let's not worry about them. they won't even knowledge were not home for about two days or so. we can have a plan then -

-are you sure about this ? -

- absolutely -

* * *

the two sister had been in eileens room, kinda packing up her things. that so , if anyone did came in they would not be suspicious. But the older gitl did pack all her bathroom stuff and makeup in two seprate little bags. Because the older girl didn't have that much stuff it would not take a long time for them to pack her clothes/rest of the stuff left. They could probobly do it in 30 minutes or so . 

rosie on the other hand has a lot more clothes . and different stuff that was important to her . it would be a lot more harder to pack the younger girls things . So when the girls heard, rest of the household watching TV after dinner , they moved to rosies room. 

an hour went by them thinking over what she was okey with leaving, because there would be no way to take everything, and rosie packing up her school/technolagy stuff. another hour going trough her clothes and packing up most of the things, but leaving the suitcases in her closet. after that the girls heard their parent room open up and close, a car driving out of their driveway. 

they asuemed kristofer left for something, that would be a problem. they don't know if he would be home tonight. but this was also a good thing . the girls finished packing rosies stuff, which ended up being : her school backpack , two suitcases, a bigger travel bag . then quiteley walking to eileens room and finishing up there : a suitcase, backack and like a beach bag . 

they waited and waited. and at 3am rosies brother still was not home. they looked at each other and understood . this was time. they had to leave now or never . 

author speaks ,

hi,hi this is already the seventh chapter and i have not said anything . well basically this story is more me writing a tina story cause there are not a lot of them. and for you guys request.

is it better than viral ? maybe . is it my best work ? absolutely not . 

i can't wait for the chapters were tina is more common , for now you get more of eileen content than anything. get to know her and her life. i hope you like the girl , really . but i do feel bad for her and rosie . 

i appricate everyone who reads this , even if you are a ghost-reader. i understand because im one. but it would be nice if you at least vote , but no pressure really . 

well see you in the next chapter , hopefully tommorow but we don't know . 

~nesse <3

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