chapter VI

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next morning when eileen woke up , rosie was still in her arms . today was a free-work-school day , so she decided to take rosie out for a day. also the older girl wanted to meet up with her little sister while her adopted  family was in town. 

eileen carefully slid out of rosies arms and started getting ready. putting on a hoodie with some ripped black jeans . a simple , yet cute outfit. her long hair in a high ponytail she was ready. quitely she woke up rosie . 

- heyy hun, wake up . - eileen slowly shook rosie up from her sleep . 

the teenage girl rubbed her eyes and asked, - morning, what time is it ? - 

- good morning - eileen checked the time on her phone - its 10: 35 am - 

rosie nodded and slowly started getting up . while eileen went to her room and took out some matching clothes for rosie. after both the girls were ready they quitely slid out of the house to go have their fun day . at 3pm rosie would be meeting her friends and eileen her little sister, aile. 

because it was still morning and the girls haven't eaten anything yet , they walked to starbucks and ordered some drink w sandwiches. while eating they talked about a perfect reality. so basically what would their perfect life be like . 

the girls finished their breakfast and decided to go walk about a shopping mall. more just for fun because eileen did just rent an apartament . the two girls walked around quite a lot of different malls just messing around and having fun .

a little bit over two hours had flown by , the decided to go to the park which was just a short five minute walk from the shopping mall. when they got there the two girls saw a group of teenagers playing volleyball . the two at the looked at each other 

- don't even think about it - said eileen terifed, she knew what her little sister was planning 

- but you LOVE volleyball - rosie looked at her with puppy eyes 

- yeah but i don't KNOW these guys , c'mon let's g- - rosie was already walking up to one of the girls sitting out and looking at them play.

eileen was so embarresed. she couldn't understand understand how rosie could be so social and not scared of judgement or rejection, on that part the girls were so opposite . rosie was still talking with the girl when eileen sat down at the near bench , about five or six minutes went by when rosie finally came back . 

the young girl sat down - so, this is their last game so we can't join. the girl was super sweet doe. she said she would have loved to play because they need more people. she asked if we wanted to play a different day. i said we can't because we're moving. 

she seemed kinda sad but said it was nice to talk w me and for me to ask - rosie finished and turned her head back to the park , where the group was finishing up. 

- i still can't believe you did that - eileen was in shock 

- you should start, just saying - 

after this , they hung around . aka, guessed people personal life things while they walk by and playing one, two , stuck . that went on for an hour or so and it was time for the two sisters to go seprate ways for couple hours . 

* * *

as the girl opened the door to this little coffee shop , it rung a bell above her head. eileen checked the time, she was just on time, scanning the room she didn't see her sister so she took a spot where you could see her easily if you walked in . 

about just a minute later the bell rang again and a girl with a boy came in . eileen looked at them , when her eyes locked in with the little girl - her eyes light up imidiatly and she run to older girl. while the boy walked behind her . 

aile crashed into eileens open arms. eileen hugged her for a bit and then looked at the girl , 

- you are so big , what the . does two years really do so much to a person ? - the girl laughed and aile took a spot beside eileen. the older girl looked at the guy 

- you must be dave? ailes brother ? - eileen looked up at the tall blonde guy 

he nodded - yup and im guessing you're eileen . i have something planned so im leaving her with you for few hours. she has my number so she can text me when needed. - 

- alright thank you - eileen said with a genuite smile 

- bye davee - aile waved him and he did the same 

- bye ail - 

he walked away and eileen turned to her little sister , 

- okey , so tell?! what's been up with you ? i haven't seen you irl in over two years . how is your fam treating you ? how's school ? - 

aile smiled - that's a long story . can we order something ? - 

- sure - 

the girls ordered some lunch and eileen listened to eile talk for about thirty-five minutes . after that the girls just talked about everything they couldn't over the phone. eileen was so suprised by how this thirteen year old girl was so mature. but then again , she was forced to mature more quickly . 

after their long ass talking session , the sisters decided to go walk around the park with these beautiful statues and bushes. eileen and aile talked more. and more, and more. they had so much to tell, and remembering old memories. 

aile was super excited to hear that eileen was moving more closer to the city . that meant aile had a chance to see her older sister more often. it wasn't super closer but still not as far as now. aile also really wanted to meet rosie. because allthough the girls had so difrences they seemed yet so similar. 

eileen just had this feeling her two sisters would be great friends. not mentionning the age gap even. 

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