part 44

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I sit up and rub my eyes I look over to see a sleeping Mavis. I smile brightly she looks overworked and tired so I gently get out of bed. Lexa stirs in her sleep then wakes up she looks at me and I place a finger over my lips telling her to be quiet. She looks at Mavis and then at me and nods. I pick her up and we head downstairs.

"Was that mommy?"


"You sure?"

"Yea she just has longer hair."


"Wanna help daddy make her breakfast?"

"Yes!" She giggles when I kiss her cheek. We go into the kitchen and it looks like everybody beat me to the punch. I put Lexa down and Nala hands me a plater with waffles and sausage and fruit.

"Great minds think alike. Now go bring this to her." She smiles she then leans down and hands Lexa a cup of orange juice. "That's for mommy so be very careful. Okay?"

"Okay, nonna." She says grabbing the cup she looks at it like it's the most important thing in the world. I chuckle and we head upstairs to the room. When we walk in and she seems to be up.

"Rise and shine mommy we brought breakfast." Lexa yells.



"Rise and shine mommy we brought breakfast." I yawn and sit up they come over and Alejandro places a tray with waffles, sausages, and fruit. I smile and thank him he kisses my forehead and sits on the bed. Lexa comes up to me and hands me a cup of orange juice I smile at her and take it she's so sweet.

"Thank you, baby." She smiles and crawls on the bed I start to eat and talk with Lexa she asked how I have been and how my mission was.

"Well, I am just glad I am home. Now, don't you have school?" She looks up to him and he nods she sighs and looks at me nodding.

"It's okay baby I won't leave anymore go to school." I smile she comes up to me and hugs me I kiss her cheeks and she giggles she then leaves and now it's just me and him.

"Do you need anything?" He asks getting up and taking my tray.

"I just want you to hold me."

"Just give me a moment I need to go put this away and help Lexa before she puts her pants on her head." He chuckles I laugh and he walks away. I need a shower so I get up and go to my closet pulling out some shorts and one of his shirts. I slip off my dress leaving me in a lacey bra and panties. I am going to burn these clothes. I feel hands lay on my hips and I gasp freezing in place. They then lift their hands and I relax.

"Sorry I guess you're a bit jumpy." He says I nod turning around I see a sad look on his face and it's breaking my heart. I grab his hands and hold them to my face kissing them.

"I just need a shower, then I will be fine."

"Okay, I will be waiting for you." He kisses my cheek and I walk into the bathroom with the stuff, I wash up and also wash my hair. I change into the clothes and leave the bathroom to find Al laying in bed on his phone, he looks up and gives me a small smile.

"All clean?" He asks with a smirk I nod and crawl into bed I sit up and lean in him but he doesn't like that so he grabs me and places me in-between his legs holding me to his chest.

"Good now talk to me. I haven't seen you for three years. " He jokes I sigh I knew this would come up it's better to get it out now than blow up and tell him the wrong way. So I tell him all about my 3 years in captivity all of the bad and the nasty and by the end of th3 story I am in tears and he is holding me tight.

"That monster I am going to kill him." I turn around and face him he looks at me with worry and I give him a small smile. I lean in and kiss his cheek I then hug him and sigh I feel safe in his presence.

"I love you." I say snuggling into him more.

"I love you more."


After some more much need rest we head downstairs and the rest of the family is down there even Jessica, Carlos, and Bae are here I smile at them. They come up to me and hug me.

"We missed you so much." Jessica says kissing my forehead I smile and hug them back.

"I missed you guys too."

"Your hair is so long."

"Yeah it's a bit tough," I say she nods and we take a seat and start talking Alejandro makes me food and I eat it. After eating and spending time with the family we retire back to our room. I lay on the bed and hear the door click and Al walking to me he sits next to me and it's silent again.

"You have changed." He says flatly I look at him and he is already looking at me with sad eyes.


"I am scared to touch you and possibly set you off." He admits I laugh sadly but he doesn't make a sound.

"You can."

"You're not ready."

"I am." I smile but his face is still the same.

"Kiss me." He says crossing his arms.


"I said kiss me."

"Okay?" I lean in and kiss his cheeks he chuckles and shakes his head no.

"You know that's not what I mean. On the lips." He orders, I giggle and roll my eyes I then place my lips onto his and kiss him. I thought it would be scary but once we made contact it's like I feel at home I move my lips with his. I place my hands on his neck pulling him in and deepening the kiss he places a hand on my thigh and I freeze. He pulls away and takes a deep breath.

"I guess you have spots that you feel uncomfortable for me to touch." He asks I put my face into his neck and nod feeling embarrassed.

"Don't feel embarrassed you have been through a lot I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me." He explains I look him in the eyes and start to cry.

"You are the greatest a person could have I am so grateful to have you." I cry he laughs and kisses my cheek the best.

"I wanna try something just nod your head yes or no if you feel comfortable." He explains and I nod he pokes my cheek and I giggle nodding yes. He then strokes my hair and I get a flashback from him pulling me by my hair and I shake my head no eagerly.

"Okay, that's 1." He then touches my neck and I shake my head no it feels too intimate. I push his hand away and laugh at the realization, everything that he does is intimate. "What's so funny?"

"Everything that we do is intimate. No matter where you touch so we will have to just work on it." I smile he sighs sounding frustrated and I giggle he so cute.

"We go this." He pulls me in for a hug and I lean on his shoulder. We are doomed.

*yay new chapter! Obstacles are really hard but they will survive. Books almost over sadly but I am working on stuff. Oh, and you guys' comments kill me😂. Stay Safe😘✌🏾.*

Xoxo Chocolat Queen

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