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"Are you sure you want to do that?" Magnus asked Anna concerned.

"Yes Magnus. This can be the best shot we have to get Izzy." Anna said and glared at Valentine, who was in handcuffs.

Alec, Jace, Magnus, Valentine and Anna were on the rooftop, trying to invoke Azazel so they could find Izzy.

"Let's do this. We have half an hour until grandma finish with her meeting and will want to talk with the bastard." Anna said looking at Valentine.

"Alright then. Everybody at your places." Magnus said and everybody got at a point of the star.

"I call upon the power of the pentagram. Azazel I summon the." Magnus said and Anna felt herself getting cold a little. "From within our realm, into this mythical confinement, I summon the. We seek the return of our friend. For this exchange I summon the." Magnus said and the pentagram on the floor started to burn, but Anna felt a shiver go down her spine.

Soon Azazel was in front of them. He looked around and saw them, and smirked.

"Well, if it isn't Magnus Bane. I must admit, it was a bold move to summon me." Azazel said smirking as he got closer to Magnus but Magnus made the hold a little tighter. Azazel looked around and spotted Anna and a shocked face was on his face, followed by a glare. "Hello Hecate. Long time no see." Azazel said and got closer to Anna.

Anna started to feel her forehead burning and looked at Azazel.

"How come you were the most feared demon in Edom, and now you are crumbling in front of me?" Azazel asked confused but he put a smirk on his face.

"Because I am not Hecate." Anna said hurt. "My name is Anabella. I'm a descendant of Hecate." She replied and Azazel then looked shocked but then he started to laugh.

"So the most powerful demon from Edom, decided to share her power? That's good. Then you know what could happen to you right? I bet you already had the metamorphosis." Azazel said smirking.

"What can happen to me after the metamorphosis? I didn't have it yet." Anna said confused.

"Really? Well look at that, you look like Hecate, and you are a late bloomer just like her. After you will have your metamorphosis, you will be 10 times stronger than you are now, and you will have a strong hunger for power and life. Everybody will fear you more than they fear Lilith. That's one of the reasons we hated Hecate, me and my brothers knew that she can hurt us with just a wave of her hand." Azazel explained and Anna looked at him scared.

"Return Isabelle Lightwood and we will give you Valentine. He can lead you to the Mortal Cup." Magnus said sternly.

Azazel looked at Valentine and smiled. "Valentine Morgenstern. The man who dares to dream big." Azazel said looking at Valentine and Anna rolled her eyes. "The offer is tempting but I don't have your friend." Azazel confessed and Alec glared at the demon.

"He's lying." Alec said angry.

"I am not so sure." Jace said worried.

"We don't have time to debate. The barrier is weakening." Magnus declared and Azazel got closer to the warlock.

"Oh no, you don't." Anna said and shoot a fire ball to the demon and got in her position again. 

"We can find Izzy later, but we can't let Azazel go. Clary now!" Jace yelled.

Clary came in the sight and draw a rune on her hand and raised it towards Azazel, but nothing happened.

"Nothing's happening." Clary said shocked.

"You thought you can contain me?!" Azazel asked angry and in a second the barrier broke and a wave of strong pain came over the crew.

Azazel came to Magnus, and he touched his face, "Stupid warlock." He then made his way to Valentine and touched his head. "I have a gift for you my friend." Azazel said and he raised and went to Anna. All this time everybody was screaming in pain. Azazel got closer to Anna smiled while she was screaming. "Good luck in trying to deal with Hecate's problems Anabella. You will need it." Azazel said and then disappeared.

Love in the darkness | A.LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now