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At Magnus's apartment:

"What can I do for you Alexander?" Magnus asked with a cocktail in his hand.

"My sister is going to have a trial, and she wants you to be her defense attorney." Alec answered.

"Oh right, that girl, Lydia, is has your sweet little sister on trial for treason." Magnus said smiling.

"Well I am sorry. I shouldn't have come here. I know downworlders can't defend shadowhunters in court." Alec said turning around and ready to leave.

"But you came, and from your tone I can say that even if your sister said that she wanted me to be her lawyer, you wouldn't come so easily. So what made you so sure about me being Isabelle's defense attorney?" Magnus asked.

Alec stopped and turned to Magnus. He let out a sigh and looked at Magnus in the eyes.

"Anabella." Alec started. "She was the one that said that it's says nowhere  that a downworlder can't be a shadowhunter's lawyer. Besides, she said you are sneaky and you can bring good arguments to get Izzy out of this mess." Alec confessed.

"Well, my little Goldie is right. The Clave was so rigid and prejudice back in- what they called the Time of Angels- that they didn't dream of a shadowhunter asking a downworlder for help. And about me, Goldie is again right. I have experience and I can always bring arguments that can shut somebody's mouth." Magnus said, smiling proudly.

"I understand. Well I guess I have to thank Anabella for her advice." Alec said.

"It's interesting how the fact that I taught her evrything and she still sent you at me. She could have taken the matters in her hands." Magnus said thinking.

"You taught Anabella about politics?" Alec asked surprised.

Magnus looked at Alec and smiled. He got up and walked to the shadowhunter.

"Anabella Herondale has more talents that anyone could know. I taught her about politics and a lot more. Her grandmother asked a lot of shadowhunters to train her, and she excelled in everything perfectly. She has a strategic mind and follows the law almost blindly, she always search for tricks for everybody to be safe if she needs to protect a friend in front of the Clave. Her grandmother taught her etiquette and how to act in public. She grew up so strong and clever, I always thought that any guy that she will meet will fall at her feet, but I guess she knows that the only guy she is going to date is the one her grandmother is going to make an arranged marriage with." Magnus explained.

"Well, seems like any other girl that comes from a royal family of shadowhunters." Alec said.

"But no royal family of shadowhunters suffered what she did." Magnus said in a soft voice, like he was seeing Anabella again. That little girl, crying in front of him, crumbling in front of him, growing broken and damaged.

"Maybe you are right, but at least she is doing her job right." Alec said.

"Yes, and about making her job right, that gets me to my question. Why would send you to me for help, if she could just play the role of Isabelle's lawyer?" Magnus asked himself.

"Maybe she doesn't to be against her grandmother." Alec shruged.

Magnus eyes widened. He looked at Alec in pure shock. "What did you said? The Inquisitor is in New York?" Magnus asked.

"Yes, she is." Alec said.

"Oh goodness. She tries to protect Isabelle. Now I understand." Magnus said.

"What do you mean?" Alec asked.

"You said that Lydia is the one that is leading the trial for Isabelle's case. Well, you are wrong. Anabella is fearing that Lydia is just a distraction. Her grandmother doesn't trust Lydia and her bonds with other people, she probably thinks that Lydia is going to call off the trial and spare your sister from punishment. Anabella on the other hand, in her grandmother's eyes is the perfect judge. If Lydia is going to back down from judging Isabelle, the inquisitor is going to call Anabella to do it, and that happens, Anabella is going to choose between a friend and the law." Magnus explained.

"Then why didn't she chose to be Izzy's lawyer. This way she couldn't be chosen to lead the trial." Alec asked confused.

Magnus shook his head. "If she chose to be Izzy's lawyer and the inquisitor would choose Anabella to led the trial then Izzy will remain without protection. This way, Anabella made sure, if she would be chosen, Isabelle will have me to protect, and Anabella will have to battle me." Magnus explained.

"What?" Alec asked shocked.

"I suggest you to go home and rest. Tomorrow is going to be a really strange and stressful day for everybody." Magnus said looking down.

"Yeah. Thanks. I will make sure to pay you when all this is over." Alec said.

He made his way out and left Magnus alone. He started to think about all the things are going to happen the next day.

"Oh Anabella, what won't you do to protect a family?" Magnus asked himself, knowing already the answer.


If you don't understand I will try to explain again.

Anabella is afraid that Izzy is going to loose the trial. She doesn't want to broke the brothers and the family apart so she comes with a plan: Magnus will have to be Izzy's lawyer. Anabella knows that Lydia is going to back down from the trial and from breaking the brothers apart, and she knows that if this is going to happen, the inquisitor is going to ask Anabella to take Lydia's place in the trial. Anabella was always and example for any shadowhunter, and she wants her grandmiother to always think about her like this. When Anabella is going to sit on that chair, beside her grandmother and with Magnus having to ask her questions, she knows that se will have to let any personal stuff aside and be total objective and professional. She knows that the battle between Magnus and her in politics is going to be hard because well, he is the one the taught her everything she knows about protecting herself in court.

So hope you like the chapter (short I know) and I think I will post the trial soon.

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