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Anna made her way to the monitor room trying to discover a way to find Jace. She was wearing her emotionless face and everybody knew that today she wasn't massing around.

"Ah Miss Herondale, good morning." Aldertree greeted.

"Good morning Mr. Aldertree. What are the plans today?" Anna asked staying in position.

Aldertree smirked seeing that the girl took his advice. "I was going to tell you that you and the Lightwood siblings are going to this gym to investigate. We are suspecting that Valentine wants to create shadowhunters, but he needs strong ones." Aldertree explained.

"So if there would be a gym, probably Valentine's people are going after them. If we catch one, then we are going to get to Valentine and Jace." Anna said concluding the plan.

"Bingo! I am glad to see that you are back to your old self Miss Herondale." Aldertree complemented.

"It's good to be back sir. Now if you excuse me, I need to take Alexander and Isabella and made our way to this gym. The faster we do this mission, the faster we find Valentine." Anna said.

"Of course. I will leave it to you." Aldertree said nodding.

"Thank you sir." Anna nodded and walked away.

Anna got to some monitors and found the siblings talking. "Alexander, Isabelle." Anna said seriously. The turned and widened when they found the girl who they said that she could use their short names. "You two and me are sent in a mission to this gym. Mr. Aldertree believe that Valentine will try to kidnap some strong men to create shadowhunters. Our mission is to capture one of his men and interrogate him." Anna said and handed them the location of the gym.

"Then is settle." Izzy said.

Anna nodded. "I expect you in front of the Institute in 10 minutes straight. One minute late and I will ask for somebody else to come with me." Anna stated coldly and walked away.

"Ok. What happened with Anna. She isn't sweet anymore. She seems cold and too strict for my taste. Did something happened between you too?" Izzy asked.

"I might got jealous and yelled at her about her ex-boyfriend. It just disturbed me the fact that Aldertree said that her ex was her perfect match. I just couldn't hold in my anger and I just let it out on her." Alec said sighing.

"No wondering she is acting like this. And giving the fact that Aldertree told her that she should go back to her old self, I think she just did that. I can't imagine how that guy must have aced when they were together." Izzy said.

"Are you done? Come one." Alec said taking his bow and arrow.

They get in front of the Institute and saw an impatient Anna.

"10 seconds late." Anna stated with a cold face. "Next time I will just leave you behind. Come on." Anna said and walked away.

Alec just looked at her clothes and saw her serious style on. A black jacket with a white shirt. She was wearing black leggings and black boots in her feet. The siblings followed the blonde and they got in an alley. Anna walked to a man that was next to a door, she smirked and winked at him and he opened the door for him. She rolled her eyes at his gesture and kept walking.

"This is where the best fighter come." Alec informed as they entered.

"That means is just a matter of time Valentine hits this place."

They saw how two big men fought each other, but the taller one won.

"You got some moves?" Izzy comolimented.

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