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Anabella's pov:

I opened my eyes and find myself in Magnus's apartment. I looked at myself and I found myself wearing a wavy green dress, my hair being again free cascading down my back.

Suddenly I heard steps and I turned around.

"How are the warlocks from Mexic?" A strangely familiar woman asked. She didn't looked more than 26 years old.

"They are a little skeptical about their alliance with the werewolves but I told them you will talk with them when you can." Magnus answered.

He looked amazing. His make up was light and colorful. He was wearing a really extravagant earing.

"Thank you Magnus. I know I can always count on you." The woman said.

"You know I wouldn't let you alone in this Goldie. Even though you are the High Witch of Idris and protector of witch craft, you are still that little girl I am suppose to take care." Magnus said with a warm smile on his face.

"Thank you Rainbow." The lady said and hugged him.

What is going on? This woman, is me?! In the future?!

I was shocked. I started to look at my future self. She was wearing the elegant wavy bresson dress I was wearing. Her hair was in a an elegant bun, and on her head was resting a crown with the symbol that was on that green box. Around her neck was a dragon necklace, and on her hands, her fingers were surrounded with some kind of braceles rings. I looked stunning.

"Well I think I need to go. I have to return until my husband gets home." My future self said.


"Well, I wouldn't like to make him wait. Just from curiosity, when are you going to bring the little ones?" Magnus asked.

Little ones?!

"Don't worry Magnus. I need to being them soon to meet their uncle." My future self said while opening a portal.

What the?!

"I can't wait to see them then." Magnus said smiling proudly at me.

My future self stood in front of the portal and waited. The portal absorbed her and me too. By it's light I closed my eyes.

When I opened them I found myself and my future self in front of an elegant house. My future self walked in. I followed her and I was more and more impressed by the inside of the house.

"Izzy! I am back!" My future self yelled.

From a room a builded man, stepped in. He was wearing dark clothes, his hair was black and styled back. How face was blury. Who was this man? And what is he doing in my house?

"Well hello to you too." The mysterious man said.

His voice. Was so familiar. It calmed me.

"How come you are here? You were supposed to come home in like an hour or so." My future self said shocked but smiled widely.

"Can't a man come home and spend some time with his little children while his wife is doing her royal duties?" He asked. Even with a blurry face, I could tell there was a smirk.

"Of course you can. I am just happy you are here so soon. I missed you." My future self said that as she walked to him and putting her arms around his neck.

"I just thought that me being the Inquisitor in Idris and you being the Highest Witch, we both were busy and didn't spend too much time with our kids." My husband said that.

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