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In the evening:

Anabella walked in the room. She was wearing an elegant shirt, with a black jacket decorated with gold ornaments, and some black shorts.

"Well look at you!" Izzy said looking up and down at the blonde.

"And look at you!" Anabella said smiling at the brunette girl.

"What can I say, even when I might be in danger I still look good. But you really look royal" Izzy complimented.

Anabella giggled and smiled at Izzy. "Thank you Isabelle. Hope you win the trial." Anabella said and hugged Izzy.

"I have Magnus as my lawyer. What can go wrong?" Izzy asked.

"You are right." Anabella said smiling. "If you excuse me I will go and talk with Magnus." Anabella said.

"Sure" Izzy smiled

Anabella walked to the warlock and smiled at him.

"Ah, Miss Herondale. What a pleasure." Magnus said bowing his head in respect.

"The pleasure is mine Mr. Bane. I bet you already know why you are here." Anabella said smiling innocently.

"To defend Isabelle, and maybe I will be against you too." Magnus said.

"Maybe, maybe not." Anabella shrugged.

"You always know what to do in hard situations, don't you?" Magnus asked smirking.

"What can I say? I just don't like left everything out. Besides, it will be a really good training for me to fight against you in court. The student might be the master today." Anabella said smirking while crossing her arms.

"We will see about that Goldie. But I am not doubting your politic abilities." Magnus said smiling proudly.

"Thanks Rainbow! I am glad you were and are my teacher." Anabella said smiling softly and then she hugged Magnus.

The warlock was a little surprised but hugged her back. He then pulled away from the hug and looked at the girl smiling.

"Hey, let's not hug too much. If I am going to win the case I don't want people to think I pulled some strings." Magnus said winking.

Anabella giggled. "And we wouldn't want that." She said smirking at the warlock.

"What can I say Goldie. This old warlock still have a reputation to protect." Magnus said.

"So now you agree that you are old." Anabella said gasping.

"Ana..." Magnus said sending her a warning glare. Anabella just started to laugh.

"Ok ok. Ha ha. Very funny. Now go sit somewhere. I am going to make a show with your grandma today." Magnus said pushing Anabella to some chairs.

"Just like old days." Anabella smiled sadly.

"Yeah, just like that. This time try to be quiet and don't laugh." Magnus warned.

"I can't promise anything." Anabella said smiling like a kid.

As on clue the doors opened and the Inquisitor and Lydia entered. The Inquisitor made her way to the big throne with the angelic rune on it. Lydia just sat on a chair from the front row.

Anabella made her way behind the second row, behind Izzy and Magnus stood. Alec then appeared next to her.

"You could have told me about all your plan with Magnus you know." Alec said not even looking at her.

Anabella looked at him confused. "Excuse me?"

"Your grandma might ask you to take Lydia's place and lead the trial against my sister and you didn't tell me."

Love in the darkness | A.LightwoodDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora