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Anabella and Alec were talking about ways of getting Izzy out before the Clave to accept the trial request Anabella made. Suddenly Anabella's laptop lighten up and that got the two's attention.

"The Clave approved the trial request." Anabella said.

"What?" Alec asked in shock.

"Seems like that they answered quicker than I expected." Anabella said frowning.

"Of course they did. You are the grand daughter of the Inquisitor. They answered your message immediately they saw it's from you." Alec said pulling his hair in frustration.

"Well, I think you are right." Anabella mumbled.

"What are we gonna do?" Alec asked.

"I don't know Alexander. We will need a miracle to save Izzy from this." Anabella asked frowning her eyebrows.

"What if that miracle is the cup? What if I give them the Cup?" Alec asked, a sparkle of hope in his eyes.

Anabella's eyes snapped in Alec's direction, an expression of shock on her face. "What? How can you suggest that? You don't even have the Cup." Anabella said looking at Alec. Then her eyes widened when she got what Alec said. "Wait. You wouldn't have suggested the cup, unless you have it." Anabella said and frowned. "You have the Cup." Anabella said, her expression being an emotionless one.

"Yes, I have it." Alec said.

"And you didn't tell me about it because?" Anabella asked crossing her arms before her chest and raising an eyebrow.

"Because I promised Jace that I will let Clary do that, but I can't wait anymore." Alec said exiting the office.

Anabella frowned and followed him. They arrived in the training room where Alec made a rune and a plate started to lift up. Alec looked at the things in it in shock searching in desperation. When he stopped he said a single name.

"Jace." Alec said and looked at Anabella. "Jace took the Cup." He said to her.

Anabella was having an angry expression on her face. She turned her back on Alec and walked away. She got and bursted in Jace's room to find it empty.

"Shit." She said and made her way to Clary's room. 

When Anabella saw that the room wasn't guarded she started to walk faster. She opened the door only to find the two boys that she put them to guard Clary on the floor.

"Damn it! Why did I have to deal with these teens?" Anabella said frustrated.

She run to her office but she bumped in Alec.

"Anabella? What is wrong?!" Alec asked.

"Your brother and his little girlfriend vanished. Go in Clary's room and help the two boys to go to the infirmary, I need to put the Institute to alert." Anabella said trying to walk away but Alec caught her wrist. Anabella looked at him.

"Anabella please don't. I will try to find him myself." Alec said.

"The Cup is in Valentine's daughter's hands and Jace is on the run with her and you want me to not alert the Institute?! You want to search for them?! Alec, I think I need to remind you that your sister is going to have a trial soon and she might be declared convicted. I think you need to be with her and trying to comfort her." Anabella said. She pulled her hand out of Alec's grasp and walked to her office leaving a stunned ALec in the hallway.

"Attention shadowhunters."Anabella's voice was heard through the speakers. "Clary Fairchild and the Cup dissapeared. Find them and Jace Wayland. Any information you have about them you will have to report to me." Anabella said sternly.

After her announcement a knock was heard at the office's door. Anabella made her way to the door and opened it ready to yell at whoever it is.

"Don't you think I should know about all these things too Anabella?" Lydia stood there with an innocent expression.

"I am not feeling obligated to tell you anything Lydia." Anabella said as Lydia entered in the office.

"But you should. After all I am the envoy sent by the Inquisitor." Lydia said smirking at Anabella.

"And I am the envoy sent by the Clave. Besides, don't forget that the Inquisitor is my mother. Do you think my grandmother will chose you over me? Her grand daughter? Her only descendant?" Anabella asked smirking. "Don't try to steal my family Lydia. If you try to make a family fall apart you chose the wrong one to mess with. I am a Herondale, our family is our greatest power. Don't expect my grandmother to love you or respect you more than me. You will never get that chance." Anabella said with an emotionless face sending an icy face at Lydia.

"You know, you might be right." Lydia said. "I will never get your grandmother to love me more or as much as you but I can learn from her." Lydia said. "Besides, don't you think ruling over two Institutes is too much?!" Lydia asked angry.

"Maybe for you. I actually enjoy doing things others can't do." Anabella said smirking.

"Well I thing you should let others have a chance to proove themselves that they can rule an Institute." Lydia said.

"I was put head of this Institute by the Clave. And if you want to talk about the Institute from London, you know the former head of the Institute chose me because of my skills." Anabella said.

"You were just 15 when you got in London to train with us. You just were Mr. Agnar's favourite student just because of your family name." Lydia accused.

"You are wrong. I was Mr. Agnar's favourite student because I prooved myself worthy of the spot of a leader." Anabella explained. "Even if you were older than me, even if you were there for longer that me, that didn't matter in Mr. Agnar's eyes. I was the special child." Anabella said emotionless as she pointed the facts.

"Maybe I wasn't the best in his eyes, but I was the best in others. And I worked hard to be where I am, and I won't let you take that away from me Anabella Herondale." Lydia said.

"I am not trying to take anything away from you. I am minding my own business. You are the one who is holding yourself back from being someone better." Anabella said and looked Lydia straight in the eyes.

The girls looked at each other. Neither of them wanting to made the first move. In the end Anabella sighed.

"Look, if you have nothing else to say, then I will ask you politely to leave." Anabella said and made space for Lydia to walk to the door.

When Lydia was beside Anabella she stopped and looked at her. "I forgot to tell you. Madame Inquisitor called earlier to tell me she will come tomorrow for Isabelle's trial." Lydia said and made her way out.

Anabella was staying still shocked at what she heard. Her grandma, was coming tomorrow. Anabella was going to see her grand mother in person after almost 6 long years.

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