Bonus chapter 2: Mundanes are the worst

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"Don't touch that." Chris said slapping Theo's hand away. The redhead was about to touch an artifact when the older boy stopped him.

"Why are you such a party popper? It's just a dragon statue." Theo complained as Chris just rolled his eyes.

"Actually, that statue is dangerous. If you don't hold it carefully, then it will spread a dangerous gas which can leave you paralyze." Magnus informed while folding his arms. Theo's eyes widened as he looked at the warlock and then at Chris who just gave him a knowing look.

"Gee Theo. Seems like Chris saved your skin once again." Erika said smirking as she looked at the other artifacts around the place. The three teens were surprised when Magnus suggested for them to join him in search for some artifact and some warlock business. Even though Chris had better plans training, he couldn't let the other two go and make Magnus's day a living nightmare. So here he was, searching through a room filled with tons of things and he only knew half of them due to what his mother taught him.

"You know what? I'm done here. I got bored anyway." Chris sighed as he walked towards the exit.

"Where are you going?" Erika asked confused.

"Out. I don't see the thing we are searching for and I'm getting bored." Chris explained and with that he was out the door. Erika sighed as she shook her head.

"Sometimes I don't know who resembles more." Magnus chuckled as the girl looked at him. "Sometimes he is curious as your mother and other times he gets irritated like your father." The warlock continued.

"Trust me, you get used to it while you live with him." Erika shrugged as she looked through some books.

"Hey, Magnus! Look what I found!" Theo's voice was heard loudly.

"Wait! Don't shake-" The warlock was cut off when the object in the boy's hands started to levitate and hit the things around the room.

"Seriously?!" Erika asked shocked as a broom appeared in front of her and she saw Magnus with another one in his hands.

"We have to bring that thing down." The warlock said as he started to run after the flying object, trying to hit it.

Outside the building Chris was trying to get more irritated than he already was. He had a good schedule planned for that day. Training with weapons with aunt Izzy, rune learning with uncle Jace and reflex training with uncle Simon. After that he was going to be taught about politics from his father and maybe learn some things about the Downworld from his mother. Now, he was going to do neither of them since he was dragged in all this mess. Great, just what he wanted. 

Being lost in his thoughts he didn't hear the shouts and when he finally woke up from his daze, it was too late. The person on the bicycle took a quick turn and unfortunately hit one of the trash cans, sending the person flying aside. Chris's eyes widened in shock as he run towards the victim of the accident he kind of provoked. 

"Hey! Are you alright?" The rave-haired boy asked worried as he watched the person slowly get up. 

"Yeah...I think so..." The person turned and soon Chris realized it was a girl he was talking too. Her skin was tanned, with brown chocolate eyes and brown eyes.

"Are you sure? That was a messy fall. Did you hurt your head?" Chris asked worried as he kneeled next to her.

"Nah, don't worry. I got a pretty strong one." The girl said smiling while knocking on her head that was shielded by the helmet. 

"Thank the angel." Chris sighed in relief as he got up and helped the girl to get up too. Looking at her better, the boy noticed she wasn't too old, maybe the same age as he was.

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