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~Anabella: favor, grace, beauty~

In Robert's office:

"Everything will change soon. Somebody important will come to visit and we expect you 2 to be in your best behaviour." Marysse said to the 2 siblings that were sitting on the couch before their parents.

"We will. Don't worry about that." Alec said nodding at her mother.

"Good. This way maybe the family's name will be cleaned." Robert said.

In the main room:

"Alec, do you think you could get my stele back for me?" Max, Alec's younger brother asked him.

"Max, they took it away because you almost burned the Mumbai Institute."

"How many times do I have to say it was an accident?" The little boy said irritated by all the explanation he has to do.

"Look, Max." Alec said bending down to Max's level. "Somebody very important is going to come so can you try to stay out of trouble for a couple of days? If you do, I promise I will get your stele back for you."

As Alec said that the doors of the main hallway opened and then the most wanted ex-shadowhunter walked through. Valentine. Alec wasted no time and shoot an arrow at Valentine's head. Unfortunaly, he caught it. Then, Valentine got his stele out and caress it over a rune, and then his figure changed to a feminine one. She was wearing a hood that covered her head, that soon was took down.

Now all the Institute was watching the intruder. She was a blonde girl, with bright blue eyes. She was wearing a blanc face as she looked at everybody.

"That reaction time was abysmal." She said with a stern look on her face. She was looking more like a general in war's time with the look she was wearing.

She made a few steps towards the shadowhunters and looked at the raven boy who shoot the arrow. "Except for you." She said still with a blanc expression.

Alec didn't know how to feel about the girl's comment. He thought he should feel proud maybe, because it sounded like a compliment, but the way she said that it was like the pointed out facts.

"I am Anabella Herondale. Envoy of the Clave." She said with a perfect poker face, not showing any emotion.

She then walked to the others to inspect the room of the monitors. Everybody looked at her, like she was having 2 heads instead of one. Max then inspected how the mysterious girl was dressed and saw a lot of cool things.

"Wow. Are those shurikanes?" Max said in awe at the little weapons that were put on one tight of the girl, and some on her chest, along with some daggers.

The girl turned to look at Max and came at him. Alec stood still but he was watching the girl's every move. As she got closer and closer, Alec started to tense. The girl eventually saw it and stopped and looked at the taller Lightwood.

"Don't worry bow and arrow. I am here to protect shadowhunters, not to hurt them." She said looking back at Max once again.

She bend down to his level and took out a shurikane. She took one of Max's hand and placed the surikane carefully in his hand.

"Wow." Was all that Max said.

"To answer your question, yes this is a surikane, and I have a lot more. This weapon is the one that represents me. That choosed me." She said looking at Max while placing an hand on his shoulder.

"Really? Will my weapon be as cool as this one?" Max asked eager to know the answer.

The girl took the shurikane from his hand and placed it in it's place on her chest while she stood up. She looked down at Max.

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