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Izzy was in the monitor room watching the activity of the demons when she saw Anabella, and some shadowhunters draghing Meliorn.

"What is happening?" Izzy asked confused.

"We are sending Meliorn to the Silent Brothers for a trial." Anabella explained.

"What?! Are you insane?! He might never come back alive!" Izzy protested.

"Maybe you are right. But my duty is to have everybody safe and to do that I need to get evey information this Seelie knight has about Valentine and the cup." Anabella said and made a sign for the shadowhunters to take Meliorn out.

"You can't do that!" Izzy said.

"I just did. Now look Isabelle. I get that you still have feelings for him, but he is a traitor. He put not only you, but your friends and family at risk just so he can get out clean. He doesn't deserve your loyalty." Anabella said.

"I didn't act like this because of my feelings towards Meliorn." Izzy snapped.

"That's good, we don't want our feelings to cloud our judgemental, do we?" Anabella said smiling proud.

Izzy just shook her head obiently.

"Good then. Now please, go ask Clary about the cup and try to get it so I can give it to the Clave." Anabella said leaving Izzy alone.

"Oh trust me, I will do more than bringing you the cup." Izzy said making her way to her friends.


"You want me to steal Alec's stele?" Magnus asked confused the three shadowhunters before him.

"Steal sounds a little too harsh. We prefer the termen borrow, without his knowledge." Jace said.

Magnus looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

"We are going to return it!" Jace said in defence.

"Not can do. Not happening." Magnus said.

"Magnus please! Ever since out parents were members of the Circle he's been messed up." Izzy said worried.

"He can't see the big image. If the Clave is willing to subject Meliorn to the Silent Brothers, if they are willing to go this far what do you think will happen when they will have the cup?" Jace said.

"Fine. But you are going to owe me. And I am talking about the 14th century. Gold, rubbies, definetely diamonds." Magnus said.

"Of course." Clary said.

"Thank you." Izzy said.


"What is Alec doing here?" Jace asked as he looked at jos parabatai dragging Meliorn.

"I don't know, but we don't have time to loose. Let's go." Izzy said.

Everyone dus as they planned and when Alec was almost at the gate with Meliorn, he was stopped by Jace and Clary.

"Take Meliorn and run. I will deal with Alec." Jace said pulling out his sword.

"You always broke the rules but never the law! " Alec said aiming to hit Jace as he dodged.

"What's gotten into you?" Jace asked really frustrated. "You know this isn't right!"

"And not caring for your family is? Alec asked as they started to fight.

Then they started to brawl. They started to argus everything messed up in their lives. In the end, Alec pinned Jace to the floor with a blade at his neck.

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