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"We can't fight them alone!" Taylor yelled after I told him I was going to fight them.

"We have no choice Tay." I said quietly, trying to calm him down. He sighed. "What about after that?" He asked.

"What about it?"

"What are we going to do then?"

I sighed. "We do what my mom wanted. Get a house. A job. Get married. Have kids. That's what normal people do isn't it?"

He shook his head and ran a hand through it. He bit his lip hard. I could feel it in my own lip.

We had gotta that close to where If one of us got hurt, the other would feel it. Must be a mate thing.

"Yea....I guess. But what if-" I covered my hand over his mouth. "Please just trust me. That's all I'm asking. To trust me. If she told us this, then she must believe that we can defeat them. But Tay.....I can't do this without you." I whispered. He sighed and pressed his forehead to mine.

"Fine. Your just lucky I can't let you leave my sight." He said as he quickly peaked my lips. I smiled.

"Then we need to find the way there."


"So it looks like we're here. And their on the south east. So I think if we shifted and ran until we reached at least one mile away, we could make it there by dawn." Taylor said looking at the map.

I nodded. "Then lest hit the rode." I said crumbling up the map. We ran out the door, and shifted.


Ido t know how Long we ran. I know it was really long But I wasn't a bit tired. Taylor on the other hand.....

'Please stop running! We are to close and I'm out f breath!'

I laughed and stopped. We shifted back to human form and he was sweaty as crap. He threw his shirt off and leaned against a tree with his elbows again it and his arms above his head. It was already dark, so we should get some sleep.

He was breathing so heavily. I wasn't one but tired. "You okay?" I asked walking up beside him. He turned around once I leaned my back against the same tree.

"Do I look okay to you?" He said flaring his mistrials and sliding down I sit. I did the same.

"No. Just making sure." I said. He grabbed his arm with on hand an leaned it on a propped up knee. "Your not funny." He said. I laughed. "Yes I am. You know it." I said.

He turned to face me and raised an eyebrow. "How am I so attached I you?" He whispered almost to himself. "Because I'm just that awesome." I joked. "Don't worry, you are to." I said taking his cheeks in my hand. He swatted it away.

I smiled at him as he blushed. "Well I know one thing that you defiantly will hate me for." He said. "What?" I had to ask.

He forced his hands to my stomach and tickled me.

I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. He laughed as I fell back and he got on top of me. He still tickled me but slowed down. Then grabbed my hands and trapped them beside me. Forcing his fingers in-between mine.

Feels like Dajivu. From when we first met.

And is till have the urge to kiss him. At least I could do it without him thinking I was weird. 'Me to.' He said in my head.I smiled at him smiling.

"I would've never guessed we'd be back in this same position again." He whispered.
"Me either." I whispered. He leaned down closer to my face, until we kissed.


I woke up with his arm around my side and under my neck. my back was pressed to his chest. We had fallen asleep sometime during the night and I'm guessing it was just turning daylight.

I opened my eyes and tried to move his hand. But it only got tighter. "Stay right here." He whispered. I smiled and leaned back down. Where he loosened his grip.

"You know we have to leave right?" I asked. "Yea. But I want to enjoy this while I can. You never know what could happen." I frowned. I turned to face him, my head touching his. His still keep his ham on my side.

"Dot say that. We are going to do this. We can. Just.......believe in it." He frowned and nodded. "I was just saying that-" "please. I know. Don't." He nodded again.

We still sat there a minute. Knowing all the possible things that could happen. But not wanting to say them out loud. We both knew. I sighed and pushed myself away from him. I stood and rolled him to his feet.

"Come on. We need to get going."


"Oh my god shut up!" I yelled shoving Taylor's shoulder. We laughed as we came up to this giant house. I mean.... GIANT.

"Woah....." I mumbled. Taylor grabbed my hand. "This...isn't the right place. The place we're going to has a-"

"A skull on it." I don't know who the fuck that was. I could tell it was a mans voice though. "Who are you?!" Taylor shouted. It wasn't even a second before the big double doors(taller than us. Combined.) opened.

A tall man with broad shoulders and short blonde hair stepped out from the doors. I had to admit, he was good looking. But Taylor was WAY hotter.

'You know I can tell what your thinking right?' He asked.

Shit. 'Shit is right. But you thought I was hotter. So I guess it doesn't matter. And I'm your mate.' I rolled my eyes and looked at the man approaching us.

"I can help you find the skull house. I know where it's located." He said smiling. I wasn't sit rig it was a helpful smile, or a evil grin.

"Um....thank you but we really just-" "no. I insist on helping you. After all, that's what I'm known for." He said. I could tell Taylor didn't trust him.

'Neither do I, Tay. Neither do I.' "Come in. We can discuss it. Please. I'll make coffee and my servants can bring you anything you would like." He said motioning for us to go in his house. Well, more like castle. I looked over at Taylor. He squeezed my hand and nodded.

"Good. then shall we?"

And we stepped to his castle.

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