Thats a test

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We slowed to a stop. Then shifted to human form. "Damn That dude was fast." He said, halfway out of breath. "No duh." I said.

And at tha WORSE time possible a giant tree falls down in our path. Then another. Then another. It blocked us! That man.

There was tress falling all around us. Blocking us. "What the fuck do you want?!" I yelled. I saw the dude. He was in wolf form. Black fur and eyes. He just ran away.


Wait.....didn't sentra say that they would....test us? Was this it?

Had to be. I went to a nearby tree and got a grip. "Come on! Their testing us! We gotta move these trees!"

He sighed and looked around before coming over and helping.

"One.....two....three!"we pushed up with all our might. It went over our heads. "Go!" I yelled. "Are you crazy?! You go first!" I sighed before running under it. Then him.

"What kind of tests is this?" He asked. "I'm guessing the last two was speed and strength." I mumbled.

They really don't give you any time before moving on. Three guys came out of no where and started chasing us with bats.

We ran.! "What the fuck do these guys want?!" He yelled. "It's the test!"

We ran for at lease I've minutes before we got to a dead end. "Shit." I said turning back around.

They were there.

They came closer. Of course two guys came up to me. TWO. One threw the pole at me from far away. I ducked and stuck my arm up to catch it.

Once the metal was in my hand, I stood straight and smiled at them. I walked forward now. The other one with a pole walked towards me to. While the other stayed back.

"You are Tiffany, right?" He asked. I still smiled and nodded, right as I swung it sideways into his side. He gripped it with one hand. Perfect chance to hit him in the head. So I did so.

The other came running. I jumped out of the way and slammed the pole into his head also.

I looked over at Taylor who accomplished beating the guy up. I grabbed his wrist in one hand with the pole in the other. "Come on." I said as I started running.


"You actually made it." Ronnie spoke.

"Yes. Taylor here isn't a nightshade. But he's my mate. So he's staying." It wasn't a question. It was a statement. Either both of us stayed, or both of us left.

"Fair enough. There is only one other nightshade in this pack." He said. "Who?" I asked. He sighed.

"Tiffany?" I heard an unfamiliar voice. I looked behind ronnie to see a tall brown haired guy. He walked over beside ronnie. "Who are you?" I asked.

"You might not believe me."

"Tell me." I insisted.

He sighed. "I'm your father."

What? I thought I just popped out in the middle of the woods? he talking about.....before this?

" do you know?" I asked.

"Because the one who put everyone in this werewolf place.... Is your mom." can't believe this. How could my mom be so cruel to do that. To put people in a place where they don't even get a day so in anything. What the fuck?

"No." I said. "That can't be true."

"It is tiff. I'm sorry." Tiff is what my wolf called me. (Who are you?) no answer. (Are you my mom?!) (yes tiff. Yes.)

What the fuck?! (I can't believe you!) I told her. (I'm sorry. If I didn't do do something like this then I'd be dead.)

I shook my head. This is ridiculous. I'm getting away. Out of this place they put us in. (How do I get out. Tell me, and I'll believe that your my mom and I won't be mad. Just tell me.) I could tell she was sighing.

(Go to the very top of the mountain. Jump off.)

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