Chapter 28

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The boys walked me out halfway to the dorms. Along the way we talked about different things, nothing specific. I was thankful for their avoiding the whole Soobin topic though, I didn't need to have another heart attack today.

I'm now walking up the stairs to my dorm. The only reason I'm taking the stairs is because I'm procrastinating for when I have to face Soon again.

She had sent several texts to me while I was with the boys, but I wasn't looking at my phone and didn't notice her messages.

When I get to my door, I take a deep breath to prepare myself for a rant.

Opening the door, I'm not met with an angry Soonyoung.

Instead, I'm met with Hyejin who's sitting on the couch by herself.

She faces me and smirks.

"Sneaking back just now, hmm?" She asks tauntingly.

"Y-yeah. Where's Soon?" I ask while locking the door behind me.

"She's in the shower. You'd better hurry before she finds out you just got here."

I nod and start towards my room.

"Hey, change into more casual clothes and make a messy bun or something. Just look like you barely tried to look presentable." She advises me.

I give a confused look, but nod anyway.

In my room, I change into some black leggings, a plain white shirt with a big sweater over it, and I take out my hair to make it into a messy bun. As a finishing touch I put on my glasses and wipe off my eye makeup. Hopefully this is what Hyejin meant.

I hear the door to the bathroom open and close, followed by the squeak of the couch. Soon must be in the living room now.

Slowly, I open my door and walk into the living room.

Immediately, Soon snaps her head in my direction.

"When did you get here? Wait- where did you even go?" She asks quickly.

I'm barely stuttering out an answer when Hyejin cuts in.

"She got here while you were in the shower, babe. I think I heard her say something about her going to the cafe and getting lost in a book?" Hyejin says.

Soon looks from Jin to me expectantly. Behind her, Jin winks at me. That's why she told me to wear this.

"Y-yeah. I meant to go there and come back, but a book on their shelf caught my attention so I accidentally stayed there for a while."

Jin nods in approval and Soon still looks skeptical of me, but lets it go.

Soon goes back to cuddling her girlfriend and watching TV. I mouth a thank you to Hyejin before going back to my room, I don't need to be a third wheel in their cuddle time.


After about 30 minutes, there's a knock on my door followed by Soon's head.

"Hey, we're gonna go eat out. Do you want to come with us?" She offers.

"Nah, you two go. I don't want to be a third wheel."

"Ok, I'll be back before dinner. See ya." She says.

Once the door is closed I hear them leave through the front door with the click of the lock. Now I need something to do for the next few hours.

I look outside my window. It's such a nice day, and it would be a shame to let it go to waste. Who am I to pass up a soft autumn breeze?

With a bit of excitement, I start to change clothes into something more presentable than leggings and a sweater. I know just the place to go to to enjoy the day.


I only really added this chapter because I wanted to have Hyejin in the story for a bit. Other than that, this is kind of a filler chapter.

As warning, I apologies for the awkwardness that is going to follow this. I tried not to make some interactions awkward, but when I'm an introvert with a bit of social anxiety, I don't know any better.

Anyway, this week I want to say Happy Birthday to Hwang Hyunjin! I'm not an official named Stay, but I know enough and I like Stay Kids enough to be one. Hyunjin has (in my opinion) been mistreated with this whole situation, especially since there has been evidence that he did nothing wrong in the first place. 

I don't want to start an argument with this, but I wanted to state my opinion when I haven't said it anywhere else. Just please don't come after me I'm innocent.

Love you guys! 💛💙💛💙💛

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