Chapter 26

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As the door opens, I see Yeonjun come in first. Luckily he's facing the other boys and laughing with them.

As quickly as the door opened, me and Soobin had pushed ourselves away from each other. And as Soobin grabbed the paper towel roll, I continued to wipe up the last puddle.

When Yeonjun faced us, he saw Soobin turning to put the towels away and me cleaning the water.

"Uh .. what happened here?" He asks with the rest of the boys piling into the room.

"O-oh um.... There was a water bottle on the floor and we accidentally spilled it a little bit ago." I answer.

I grab the used towels and quickly walk over to the trash can, meeting Soobin when I step up to the can.

We share a look for a second, almost as if we both were saying "let's just talk about it later".

Blinking away, I turn back to the boys with food and sit in the circle with them.

They brought a variety of choices, all of which were different from the last.

Taehyun caught me looking at the spread weirdly. "There's a lot of choices because we couldn't decide what to get." He explains.

I nod and Kai leans over to whisper to me.

"Yeah, more like they were arguing like kids on what to get."

Beomgyu playfully hit Kai's arm. "What do you mean 'like kids'? You're still a minor in high school!"

Kai had a mischievous smirk on display as the other boys laughed at the interaction.

As we ate we talked about anything and everything at the same time. I asked more about their producing music and found out they had almost 3 albums worth of music made already.

In explaining their producing, music, and performing I noticed they talked about the field with confidence and seemed to somehow have experience with the whole thing.

When I asked about it, they only told me that they know what it's like from some 'connections they have'. Did they mean they knew someone in the field? Had they been in a group before? Were they once kpop idols but had to disband because of their forbidden love with someone who wasn't in the line of work and they couldn't bear to be apart from their near soulmate?

Ok, maybe too much creative liberty with that last one, but I genuinely don't know what they mean.

As the day came to an end, the boys had practiced a few more dance routines which means I got to hear a few more of their songs. A lot of the time I found myself singing along to the music I've never heard before. There was something really reassuring about their songs going "It'll be alright alright alright!".


Once the boys were done with their practicing, they all layed or sat on the floor all sweaty and tired. I would be too, but I can't dance and only sat on the couch and watched the whole time.

As I sat on the couch with my legs crossed, I looked over the floor to see that the boy's long arms and legs were covering most of the wood panels. Why do these boys have to be such giants?

Eventually, Kai perked up and had a new sparkle in his eyes.

"What did you think of the dance routines and songs, noona?"

I giggle at his cuteness. "It was just as impressive as your performance at the park. If not, more impressive. You guys have some serious talent." I compliment them.

The boys all smile at my compliment. Yeonjun sits up and ruffles his hair a little.

"Ok well, we have some minor things to fix in the studio. You can stay with the maknaes if you want, Jihyun, but I think we can call this practice a success. Soobin, will you help me in the studio?" Yeonjun announces.

Soobin nods and stands up. He looks at me and nods a small goodbye in case I decide to leave.

When the door to the connecting studio closes, the three maknaes all scoot closer to my position on the couch.

Confused at what they were doing, I stutter out:

"Uhh.... w-what are you guys d-doing?"

They all sit up straight with smiles and are basically the same height as me even when they are sitting down.

Beomgyu scoots an inch closer. "We want to ask you an important question, noona." He says.

Unsure of what to do next, I just nod for him to continue.

"We want to ask you what you think of our Soobinie hyung."



I wonder what is to happen.

Once again, I am out of ideas for this week sooooo:

Once again, I am out of ideas for this week sooooo:

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Love you guys! 💙💛💙💛💙💛

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