Chapter 27

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It sit there shocked at the younger’s question. What did I think of Soobin? I don’t know what they mean.

“I- wh- wh- What?” I stutter out.

The boys laugh at my flustered state and Taehyun scoots up to explain more.

“What we mean, noona, is what do you think about him as a person. Do you think he’s nice, or mean, or weird, or awkward? Because we know he’s definitely the last one.” He says with a small laugh at his own joke.

I slightly laugh also as I consider my views on Soobin. 

“I don’t know. He’s a really nice person, and he seems to really care about you guys like an older brother would.” I say and they nod.

“I don’t know what else you guys want me to say.”

“Well, do you consider him as a friend?” Beomgyu asks.

I nod. “Definitely, I consider all of you guys as friends.” I answer.

The three maknaes look at each other. “Do you think you could consider him as more than a friend?” Kai bluntly asks.

I choke at the suddenness of his question. More than a friend? Did he mean as a boyfriend? I may know them but not that well.

When I catch my breath I look back at the boys in front of me.

“Where did you get an idea like that?” I say with a strained voice.

Kai looks down at his hands as he plays with his fingers.

“Well, Soobin hyung seems to be really close to you. And I tried to say before, he wouldn’t stop talking about you before I actually met you. We just thought that maybe you were just as close to him as he seemed to be to you.” He says with an innocent look.

As I take in all this new information, I go over the past interactions we’ve had.

At the second coffee shop meeting, he was really flustered for some reason, when I saw them after the library incident the boys said he was staring at me. And he did try to flee from the boys once Taehyun asked “how long this had been going on”.

He had been so caring in the park with the ice pack, he tried to carefully hold it without applying too much pressure and was making such a fuss about it. And when the boys were helping me with Jae, Soobin stood noticeably taller than normal with an intimidating face no one would ever try to mess with.

Maybe Soobin really did genuinely care for me.

“I-I don’t know, guys. I mean, I haven’t known you guys for very long and we’re already friends, but I don’t know that I’m ready to get closer than that yet.” I reasoned.

“So you’re saying you don’t have any feelings for Soobin hyung?” Kai said. I can’t even be upset with him asking these questions because he looks so innocent while asking.

“T-that’s not- I-. Look, I don’t want to say something then have you guys go and tell Soobin or Yeonjun after I leave.” I voiced my concern.

Beomgyu laughed a little. “We won’t tell them. They're both in the studio focusing on our music and we told them we would walk you out of the building so you won’t get lost.”

I calm down a little at this, but then let out a small laugh at the joke he made about me getting lost.

I sigh. “You promise you won’t tell him anything?”

“Promise.” They say in unison.

I nod scoot in a little closer to them so I won’t have to talk as loud.

“Ok if you want me to be completely honest, I haven’t considered the possibility of having feelings for him until yesterday. After the whole ordeal, I realized how much he might already care about me to be helping me with the ice pack. I mean, you all must care about me to help protect me in front of Jae like that, but Soobin was really concerned about me after I told him I was fine multiple times.” 

As I explain my thoughts, the three maknaes in front of me scoot closer with child wonder swirling in their eyes as if I’m a teacher telling a pre-school class a fairytale story.

“And after thinking about it more, if Soobin really does have feelings for me, I wouldn’t mind too much. The only thing is I don’t know how I feel, and I don’t think I’d be ready for a relationship with him yet.” I finish.

When I finish, Taehyun perks up. “Yet?” He says excitedly.

I panic for a second and try to recover. “I shouldn’t have said yet. I mean that I don’t know what is going to happen in the future, but I don’t want to try to take things into my own hands because I don’t even know what I want. I think it’s best if I just leave the matter there for it to see what happens.” I explain.

They all nod in understanding.

“That makes sense, and we understand you, noona. We just wanted to know your view of Soobin because he seems to be happier nowadays. And it doesn’t take a genius to think of what or who could have caused that.” Beomgyu says.

I nod in relief at their understanding, I didn’t want them to think I didn’t like any of them as people.

“Anyway, I need to get going, I didn’t tell Soonyoung I was coming here so she’s probably worried.” 

“Ok, we’ll come with you.” 


I don't really like this chapter, but I'll include it. I think Jihyun explaining her internal feelings will help you understand what I'm trying to do.

I have to keep reminding myself that this is my first story, and it isn't going to be 100% perfect like I want because I'm not there yet.

Anyway, I hope you guys have a great spring break (this past week was mine). Go out and do something! Like have a coffee or tea.

I tried boba for the first time! I need to explore the flavors a little, so if you want, leave a suggestion for a order I can try☺️

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