Chapter 1

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I'm so tired, just stop talking already. 

I listen to the professor go on and on about psychological theory or something. As per usual, the whole class is dozing off, with the exception of the few over achievers seated in the front. 

The professor must have noticed everyone basically dying because he stopped mid-sentence and dismissed us all early. Some people cheered, others just up and left like I did. 

As I'm sure many can relate, I know school is important but do I have to? Can't I just pick a job and learn everything I need to about it and start working? Paying for college seems like an unnecessary step.

Anyway, I make my way back to my dorm with no rush. That was my last class for the week and I want to spend some time just taking in the breeze.

Fall is around the corner, the trees have already started to change their leaves to a beautiful golden orange. I have to admit, fall fashion is the cutest fashion. I love bundling up in cute scarves and boots with a hot drink in hand.

That being said, I walk back to my dorm with slow, care-free strides. Taking in the cold air to help cool down all the stress I've accumulated within the past week. 

I keep walking almost into the center of campus when I hear my name called behind me. I turn to see Youngjae walking towards me.
"Jihyun! Hey babe, I thought you don't get out of class for another hour?" He says.
"Yeah, the professor let us out early because everyone was dozing off" I replied. He put his arm around my shoulders and we kept walking to my dorm. On the way, we talk about how our day has been and assignments we have.

When we get to the dorms, Youngjae quickly turns me around and plants a kiss on my lips. We stay there for a moment until I pull away which he objects to by pulling me closer. "Jae, you know I have to go." I say against his lips. 

"Fine. Don't work too hard though, you know the stressed look doesn't look good on your pretty face." He says while caressing my cheek.

I grab his hand and give him one last kiss before turning to go inside.

"Oh, remember we're meeting at your apartment tomorrow at 3 for-"

"-Our first anniversary, I know." He said.

I smile at him and enter the building. It feels like we've been together for much longer than 1 year. 

I met Youngjae when my roommate, Soonyoung, dragged me to a house party for her birthday. I'm not one to drink, party, and crash, it seems like a huge waste of time. While Soon was dancing with a bunch of strangers, I was sitting at a table watching the ice sink in my drink. Eventually, Youngjae walked up to me and kept me company for the rest of the night. We talked until I decided I should take Soon home, that's when Jae gave me his number. 

The next day, Soon went behind my back and asked Jae on a date for me. After the first date we went on a few more, and the rest is history. 

I suspect Soonyoung is going to give me a 15 minute lecture on why I should be thanking her for the rest of my life when I enter the dorm. I only think this because she did the samething for a week after I told her me and Jae were official.

When I get to our dorm, I get my keys and mentaly prepare for Soon to start talking non-stop. 

To my suprise, I didn't see any sign of Soon when I entered. I don't know whether to be alarmed or not, she could be out with her friends again. 

I wander around the dorm looking for her until I find a note in the kitchen.

Went out with Hyejin. I'll be back before dinner


P.S. Don't think we're not gonna talk about tomorrow!

Yep, that's Soonyoung. 

She's always out with Hyejin. They met at the party the same day I met Youngjae, and Soon told me her and Hyejin were official a week before me and Jae. Turns out going to that party was destined for both of us.

I toss out the note and make my way to my room. I'm not one to fall behind on work, I've paid for school already and might as well try to pass. Jae and Soon both tell me to loosen up and go out sometimes, something about working my life away and having a social life? I don't know either. 

Why would I go out when I have everything I need here? I have food, water, my computer, and plenty of Netflix to last me a few weeks. 

I've never been afraid to meet new people, I actually like learning about someone else's perspective on life. I just don't see the need to put myself out there when I'm not needed or when I don't want to.

Getting back to the task at hand, I take out my computer and start to write the essay I have due this week. I'll just work until Soon comes home, then I'll eat and she can give me a 30 minute monolog.

Yay! The first chapter is out! I've been working on this story for a while and I'm so excited for people to finally see it. I'm even more excited because this is the first story I've ever posted for people to see. I've put off posting this because I wanted to have chapters ready, I didn't want anyone to be waiting forever for an update (I know because I've been there).

If you guys have questions about the story or me I'll do my best to answer them (school am I right?) 

Stay safe guys, every one of you is important. Everyone should have someone to talk to, and if no one will listen to you, I'm here :).

Luv you guys!  💙💛💙💛💙💛

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