Part 101

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"What are we doing today?"

"Please don't make us do that flexibility training again, Kanroji-san has already made us do that before."

"Aw did you not like the training Sabito? Or was it the pancakes?"

"No no! They were great it was just very hard to complete hehe."

"We are going to work on your Breathing Styles, up until now we have been preparing to start working on them. Let's start by changing something so you can adapt to the marked state." He then looked around as if he was thinking of doing something.


Yoshiki fell to the ground onto one knee whilst clutching his eye, the trainees were just staring into space.


What is happening?

My eyes

Why do they feel so....


What am I seeing?

Is that a person?

Who are they?

Wait is that, a body?

Sabito san


Run Sabito

Sabito are you okay




"Mother? What are you doing?"

"Sabito hide! He's coming!"

An eerie scraping sound was coming from the room next to The boy

Why am I being shown these things?

"Just keep quiet Just keep quiet"

A gust of wind came through the window blowing out the candles lighting the room and leaving everything in complete darkness.

Where's mother gone?

Has dad came back? Is he finally back? No then why do I have to stay here then? Maybe it's a surprise!

The door of the closet where Sabito was hiding was carefully opened from the outside by a recognizable face to Sabito, his mother. He could barely see her face but her features were outlined by the moonlight that shone through the window. "Sabito stay in here don't speak or come out until I get you alright"

"Okay mother"

Her finger pressed against her mouth. "I'll see you later Sabito, I love you my son I will see you another time." She then closed the cabinet door leaving her only child in the closet by himself.


Where is she? It's been ages? I just need to be patient

I'm starting to feel really tired, is mother even going to come back? No no no, don't think that mother will come back. She might even bring some sweets or chocolates


"Did I fall asleep? It's morning?" The boy then kicked the closet door open and left his hiding spot.

Wait why is my door open? Mother always closes it?

"Hey Mother? Mother? Mother!" Sabito was increasingly getting more worried, he eventually started to run around his house looking for his only family member that he really knew. Up in the mountains his voice could be heard for miles but nobody came to his need. Nobody would come to his need, he continued his search around the house and around the mountain but he had no luck in finding his mother.

And before long it was already dark and Sabito was on the brink of feinting from running so much in the cold desolate mountain. His resolve was depleting, if he didn't find her soon he would have no clue how to get back to the house.

"MOTHER!" The only voice he heard in response was his own echoing into the distance



An Illusion

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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