Prologue - The Scarlet Devil Mansion

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This story takes place in a time much closer to our own... This is for the purpose of this story, in order to create a scenario that was envisioned...

Disclaimer: Touhou Project belongs to Team Shanghai Alice.

???: I'm so sorry (Y/N)... I... I just don't know if I can handle long-distance... I can't stand the thought of never being around you if we're this close... I'm sorry... Please know that I'll always love you...

(Y/N) (Narrative): My father once told me to stop doubting myself and main reason for that, was because I fell into a deep depression during high school. I used to be just an average teenager with, of course, average grades and all. Friends were always supportive of me and I happily returned the favor. Then everything started going downhill when one of them accused me of "hitting on his girl."

???: *Echoed* Come on, we're losing him! Get him in the ambulance!

(Y/N) (Narrative): Eventually, he broke off from the group and... So did I... Quickly started to doubt myself after that event, which led to me becoming incredibly depressed.

???: *Echoed* What the hell is that?!

???: *echoed* I don't know, let's get the hell out of here! He won't make it if we keep stalling!

(Y/N) (Narrative): It left me to think, "Is my presence just a curse for certain people?" Dad overheard me and gave me a bit of a talk. "You shouldn't keep thinking of yourself in a negative way. If you really want to better yourself, try telling yourself something positive."

Female Voice: And all of this was because of a simple misunderstanding?

(Y/N): *sigh* It was more to it than that... I was painted as the bad guy in front of everyone and of course, the both of us ended up fighting in the school parking lot. I was given the blame while he was able to get away with it.

You peeked over from your spot on the floor to find the brown haired shrine maiden gazing into your direction.

(Y/N): To think years later, he'd come crawling out... Only to drag me into his mess.

???: May I ask what happened afterwards?

(Y/N): Turned out he had quite a debt with some awful people. We were drinking at a bar when they found him and of course, they took me a long with him and threw us out into the woods. They wanted to give him a severe warning, "Because you failed to pay, again, this time... You're going to watch everyone you love take the fall." Least they were kind enough to call an ambulance before leaving me for dead...

The girl's eyes widened upon hearing the words that you quoted, she nearly dropped her tea from the shock.

???: How terrible! How could someone do such a thing?!

(Y/N): Believe me, Reimu... There might be a lot of people that might make mankind seem as cheerful as you would think but... There's always the ones that will exploit the good for their own benefit... To this day, I still question whether arriving here in Gensokyo is a blessing of a curse.

The shrine maiden, now identified as Reimu, processed your words before asking another question.

Reimu Hakurei

Reimu Hakurei

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