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At some point, Daryl's human mind took over again, though he was in a state of relaxation so sublime that he didn't do anything more than doze, listening to the sound of Carbry murmur to him in Gaelic. Eventually everything caught up in Daryl's brain, and he opened his eyes, losing control of the shift and finding himself in mostly human form, naked and sitting on Carbry's lap. Daryl could still feel his inhuman fluffy ears twitching as well as the fluffy tail he could feel brushing against Carbry's leg. Carbry's hands rested on his thighs, bracing him but not gripping him exceptionally tightly.

Before Daryl could move or say anything, Carbry murmured in English. "You can stay, I don't mind."

Daryl was at a loss, feeling the heat of embarrassment along his neck and cheeks, ducking his head to avoid looking the other man in the eyes. "Sorry."

"I don't want to argue with you. But I would like to talk." Carbry's voice was still soft, and what really surprised Daryl was the tone of pleading in the man's words.

He had expected the typical command, or smooth charm. But Carbry almost sounded pained, and it was enough to pull Daryl's eyes up to see Carbry's earnest and completely unguarded expression.

"I already know I need to eat more. I lost track of it when I was busy but I had made a point of... I was going to fix it, and I don't like making them worry. But when you are all shoving those shakes into my face, you make me feel like... they make me feel like a god damned science experiment. I don't want chemically balanced and scientifically perfected meals. I want..." Daryl closed his eyes and shook his head, knowing he was getting frustrated.

"You want to experience life through your appreciation of food. The freedom of deciding what and when you'll eat." Carbry finished, his hands rubbing Daryl's thighs gently. "There are so many unknowns about it, Daryl. I don't understand it. No one we know understands it, and I don't know when it gets to the point of no return. Are you a day away from your body shutting down? Or a week? Can we reverse it? Are you going to suffer permanent damage? I could be seeing you waste away, and have no real clue..."

Carbry pulled him closer then, wrapping his arms around Daryl's waist and putting his face into his neck, just holding him. In return, Daryl wrapped his arms around Carbry's shoulders. "I never thought about it as being that serious."

"You need to take your safety more seriously." Carbry squeezed him tightly. "I know you don't like being patronized, but you... matter. I have all the resources in the world, but you refuse to let me help you."

Daryl flushed, shaking his head, even as he felt Carbry stroking his tail idly. "I just... I'm not worth all the resources in the world. I'm just Daryl. I crashed on the pull out couch of Oscar's rv for most of my adult life, eating bad fast food if I could afford it."

Carbry nodded, before finally lifting his face, his eyes catching Daryls as he said firmly. "Those days are over, in more ways than one, Daryl. I don't want to change you. I don't want you to be bitter and paranoid and cynical. The world needs more dreamers and thinkers like you, but... you have to work on taking care of you."

"I had a plan." Daryl scowled, feeling his stubbornness return. "I was going to fix it. I was going to go home... I have a week before I'm on the road again... I was going to just eat and have those shakes, I was going to drink them all, even when they make me gag... and fix it... I wasn't going to bother you..."

"Ok." Carbry let out a slow breath. "So we're in agreement. I'm here for a few more days before I'm flying out to join the team... stay here, and we'll work on it together."

Daryl glanced around the living room and shrugged. He wouldn't mind Carbry's amazing and delicious food, but all his things were in his apartment. And then there was the fact that he was still half terrified.

Carbry sighed softly. "You know I would never hurt you. Right?"

"I dunno." Daryl shook his head, his words soft. "I know you would try your best not to because it would upset Ryker and Meri... but..."

"No." Carbry's voice took on that pained tone, though it was firm. "You, Daryl. I would never hurt a hair on your head. I was wrong to yell, but I didn't think I was frightening to you... and you argue with Ryker all the time."

"Ryker is my mate." Daryl shrugged and looked down at his hands. "I know Ryker wouldn't ever hurt me. But... you... you..."

"I love you, you mule headed cowboy." Carbry growled. " I would sooner rip my heart out of my chest than hurt you in a nonconsensual way that wasn't a safe exploration of your sexual curiosity."

He had not expected that, and for a moment, Daryl didn't know how to respond, though he finally looked up to Carbry watching him with that vulnerable look on his face. After a moment, Daryl stammered. "I just... saw what you did... and I know... I know I don't stand a chance... I probably wouldn't even know I was dead before I died if you really wanted to harm me."

"Well, we'll talk about your self defence mechanisms later. But not for me. You will never need to defend yourself from me. I swear on my undying love for Meriwa and my friendship with Ryker. I love you, Daryl. I would not hurt you. I pose you no threat. I know it's hard to believe. I'm a monster, I get it... the things I've done..." Carbry's voice wavered at the end.

Daryl shook his head and hugged the other man tightly. "I don't think you're a monster. You're just... a billion times stronger than me."

Carbry held onto him, shaking his head and kissing Daryl's shoulder. "That strength is only for protecting you and Meriwa and Ryker. And our friends and families. I know it's going to take time to believe, but I swear, you are safe with me."

And, even though Carbry wasn't being charming or disarming or anything that distracted Daryl from his reservations, Daryl found himself believing the other man. He nodded finally, letting out a slow breath. "Ok. I'll stay with you, but all my things are at home."

"I"ll have a car swing by and pick them up. That is not an issue." Carbry beamed to him, his eyes searching Daryl's face. "You don't have to if you'd really rather not. I would even have full meals sent to you if you want to stay at your and Ryker's place. I would even cook them for you."

Daryl laughed and shook his head. "Nah. Half the fun of your cooking is watching you cook. You tell stories and sing and let me taste test."

Besides, Daryl was surprised to realize that he didn't relish the thought of being alone, not when he could have the relatively calm and unobtrusive company of Carbry all to himself for a couple days. And, on cue, Daryl's stomach grumbled hungrily.

"Say no more. I will make supper. Will you have another shake while you watch?" Carbry gave him an expression that was so heartbreakingly hopeful that Daryl couldn't do anything other than nod in agreement and follow the other man into the kitchen.

And once Daryl was settled with a shake and watching Carbry, who was wearing only his apron as he began to whip together a feast, Carbry smirked over at him. "Now. This... turning into a cute and cuddly animal as a defence mechanism thing... we're going to have to work on that..." 

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