Waterpark Rules

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Carbry walked out of the hallway and into the sunshine, squinting despite his sunglasses while fighting his overwhelming desire to get everything under his control. Nothing was wrong exactly, he just wasn't comfortable being separated from his mate and two lovers in a strange place. Carbry had no idea where he was, a different version of Earth judging from the fact that his phone didn't work. Knowing that he had no contacts or anything but himself to keep them all safe made him want them all there, in his eyesight.

Instead, he was looking at the sprawling mass of beaches, pools, slides and splash parks that made up the 'adults only' waterpark. Thankfully, adults only didn't mean that it was a nudist park, and as far as he could see, people were just basking in the sun or having fun pretending to be kids again.

When Meri had appeared them at the park, they had paid the entrance fee and she had gone down the hallway into the women's change room while the three of them had gone into the men's change room. And somehow he and Ryker had become separated from Daryl as they were changing into the bathing suits that Meri had transported for them.

Ryker shifted at his side and nodded toward an imitation beach hut, where Meri appeared to be purchasing towels. "There she is."

Car nodded and the two of them walked in her direction, scanning the crowd of people for their wayward cowboy. Meri grinned excitedly to them and shoved towels and inflatable tubes into their arms.

"Daryl is saving us chairs. He managed to find some." Meri was happy, her excitement contagious enough that Carbry matched her grin as they followed her around a couple structures that involved stairs and dripping plastic tubing. They wound up in a slightly calmer area that was styled like a lagoon, with a bar on the far end, some palm trees and a pool. And, true to form, Daryl was sitting with a group of four chairs and reading a book.

"Thank you, for not making him wear the speedo." Ryker muttered, drawing a laugh from Meri.

"He looks good in it though!" She grinned up to the blonde vampire and poked his side, an attack which he was defenceless to stop with his hands full of beach paraphernalia.

Car chuckled softly, his eyes roaming the crowd as he noticed that nearly everyone was casting glances in Daryl's direction. "I think that's the problem. He looks so good in everything that everyone wants to see him in nothing."

Daryl was in a pair of board shorts and sandals, not unlike those Carbry and Ryker were wearing. Carbry had seen Daryl naked, wearing pyjamas or sweats, or in his twenty dollar wranglers and collared cowboy shirts. Today was the first day that Carbry had seen Daryl in shorts.

It was novel enough that the man's unnatural beauty and sexual allure hit him again and with renewed intensity when he looked back at the cowboy. Daryl soon caught their eyes and was grinning up at them, and when the man stood, Carbry was pretty sure that the entire area let out a collective sigh.

"These two slowpokes finally caught up." Meriwa grinned and grabbed a towel from Ryker's shoulder, tossing it to Daryl, who began to strategically spread out their towels and things to cover the chairs and tables in between.

"What are you doing?" Ryker laughed as he stacked the inflatable tubes to one side, only to have Daryl reposition them as if they were the most valuable assets in the world and could not be out of their reach.

Daryl let out a breath and gave them all a bemused expression. "I can tell you guys have never had to slum it in a public beach, pool, or waterpark. There are rules. You get in early, like we did, and make sure you're out of the ticket line fast so you can get a good spot to set up for the day. You have to have something of yours on everything you claim, or its free game. Tubes are like gold. People will steal them if you aren't holding on to them. Sometimes they'll steal them right from under you. And you always have to have a physical presence in the chairs. Or, if you're lucky, your things will be pushed to the side and your chairs annexed. If you're unlucky, you lose everything."

Meri nodded sagely, grinning up to Car. "Daryl explained it all to me. You have to have a plan of attack."

Car kissed her firmly for a moment before moving to fish out the sunscreen he had been adamant that Meriwa ensure was with them. He had convinced her that it was for him and Ryker, but in truth, he was more worried about her. "So there's no way to rent a little space you can leave freely?"

Daryl, who was submitting to Ryker using a second bottle of sunscreen on him, much to the delight of the looky-loos, gave Carbry an unheated look. "They're like...eighty bucks a day or something...These are free. And they're the same chairs as in the private area. It's jus that there, you're just partitioned off by a cheap fence..."

Car poured the thick cream into his hands and started to diligently coat his mate's skin, rubbing it in as he grinned over to Ryker. "Ah, ok. But now we need to sacrifice someone to watch over this hard won territory."

"I know." Daryl grinned and attempted to reach for his book, only to sigh when Ryker held him firmly in place, forcing him to merely point at it to get Carbry to hand it over. "I don't mind. I kind of just want to get some sun anyways."

Meri pouted. "Someone is going to come on slides with me, right?"

"I will." Ryker offered, smirking as Daryl put his book down near him and stole the bottle of sunscreen then began returning the favour, which was just as pleasing to watch as the other way around.

"Ok." Meri grinned before turning and glancing toward her own mate.

Car grinned wider and when she held out her hand, he happily gave her the sunscreen bottle and let her smear the stuff all over his skin. Sure, he didn't like being out in the bright sunlight, but he was also happy to let his mate touch every inch of him that she could. "I can go with you, or I can stay here with Daryl, whichever works."

He would really rather not have to juggle the group separated, with Meri running around all over and prone to being a tad unpredictable, but that was just the territorial and controlling side of him that was complaining. Meriwa would be fine, and Carbry didn't like the idea of leaving Daryl here by himself, as he was sure their cowboy would be kidnapped in under ten minutes if left unsupervised. Meeting Meri's eyes, Carbry saw the same worry reflected in them as she glanced to where Daryl was delivering a teasingly chaste kiss to Ryker's temple. Carbry was certain his mate worried about the same thing.

"I'm not one for slides, personally." Carbry offered, kissing her forehead to reassure her that he had the cowboy covered. "You and Ryker go have fun. I have a couple books on my phone to read."

And reports, and various other things to keep him busy even without cell service. Carbry kissed Meriwa, seeing her look of relief at his offer. Daryl would never appreciate them being so worried or protective of him, and though Carbry wasn't as bad as Ryker was when it came to worrying about the cowboy, they all knew that their cowboy lover was a little absent minded. And a very tempting target, even for non-malicious people.

"C'mon Princess. How about we do the cannonball one first." With a smirk, Ryker nodded to the giant slide that towered above them and arched nearly straight down.

Car almost glared at the man for suggesting such a slide, though he merely let Meriwa pull away from him and inform Ryker that there was a specific order she wanted to go in as she dragged the other vampire off with her.

Daryl offered Carbry a lopsided grin and moved to sit down on one of the middle chairs, picking up his book, but not yet opening it. "I know you want to stay close to them. I don't mind chilling out here on my own."

"Nonsense." Carbry stretched out on the chair beside him, pausing to grab Daryl's hat and slip it onto the man's head. "Can you see me going down the Cinnamon Twist or Screamer Mile?"

"For Meri? You'd go on the Cannonball Run." Daryl gave him a knowing look before opening the book, which appeared to be some sort of astrophysics textbook.

Sighing contentedly, Carbry pulled out his phone, though he found himself more entertained by merely watching Daryl read. There was something alluring about that thoughtful look Daryl had when he was distracted, mouthing the words he was reading. The man was oblivious to the world, somehow unaware that each move he made as he stretched backwards or readjusted his hat in thought, was reeling a lot of people in.

Carbry kept his eyes moving, ensuring to keep enough of his haughty confidence in his expression to make others think twice about approaching. But he couldn't help his expression softening when he looked at the cowboy. 

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